New Publications ( 16-30/September/2019)

1 November, 2019.

Here you find an list of new published articles which will be added to JEIC Reserch Database within a week.

  • Genotoxic effects of intermediate frequency magnetic fields on blood leukocytes in vitro.
    Brech A, Kubinyi G, Németh Z, Bakos J, Fiocchi S, Thuróczy G
    Department of Non-Ionizing Radiation, National Public Health Center(Hungary)
    Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis 2019; 845: 403060
  • Lifelong exposure to multiple stressors through different environmental pathways for European populations.
    Li N, Friedrich R, Maesano CN, Medda E, Brescianini S, Stazi MA, Sabel CE, Sarigiannis D, Annesi-Maesano I
    Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy, University of Stuttgart(Germany)
    Environ Res 2019; 179 Pt A: 108744
  • Experimental analysis of individual EMF exposure for GSM/UMTS/WLAN user devices.
    Popovic M, Koprivica M, Milinkovic J, Neskovic A
    School of Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Belgrade(Serbia)
    Ann Telecommun 2019; 74 (1-2): 79–91
  • The effect of antenna polarization and body morphology on the measurement uncertainty of a wearable multi-band distributed exposure meter.
    Aminzadeh R, Thielens A, Agneessens S, Van Torre P, Van Den Bossche M, Dongus S, Eeftens M, Huss A, Vermeulen R, de Seze R, Mazet P, Cardis E, Rogier H, Röösli M, Martens L, Joseph W
    Department of Information Technology Ghent University/imec(Belgium)
    Ann Telecommun 2019; 74 (1-2): 67–77
  • A new extrapolation expression for exposure evaluation inside a human-equivalent liquid phantom in the vicinity of wireless power transfer systems.
    Shimoyama S, Chakarothai J, Wake K, Arima T, Watanabe S, Uno T
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(Japan)
    Ann Telecommun 2019; 74 (1-2): 53–65
  • RF-EMF exposure induced by mobile phones operating in LTE small cells in two different urban cities.
    Mazloum T, Aerts S, Joseph W, Wiart J
    Télécom ParisTech, CNRS Université Paris-Saclay(France)
    Ann Telecommun 2019; 74 (1-2): 35–42
  • The social construction of a health controversy. The case of electricity smart meters in France.
    Draetta L
    Télécom ParisTech, CNRS Université Paris-Saclay(France)
    Ann Telecommun 2019; 74 (1-2): 5–15
  • Mobile phone induced cognitive and neurochemical consequences.
    Sharma A, Sharma S, Shrivastava S, Singhal PK, Shukla S
    UNESCO-Trace Element Satellite Centre, School of Studies in Zoology, Jiwaji University(India)
    J Chem Neuroanat 2019: Online
  • The Contribution of In Vivo Mammalian Studies to the Knowledge of Adverse Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation on Human Health.
    Vornoli A, Falcioni L, Mandrioli D, Bua L, Belpoggi F
    Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute, Castello di Bentivoglio(Italy)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019; 16 (18): E3379
  • Effect of Static Magnetic Field of Electric Vehicles on Driving Performance and on Neuro-Psychological Cognitive Functions.
    He Y, Sun W, Leung PS, Chow YT
    Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong(Hong Kong)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019; 16 (18)
  • Development of voxel models adjusted to ICRP reference children and their whole-body averaged SARs for whole-body exposure to electromagnetic fields from 10 MHz to 6 GHz.
    Nagaoka T, Watanabe S
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(Japan)
    IEEE Access 2019: Online
  • Effect of electromagnetic field exposure on the transcription of repetitive DNA elements in human cells.
    Del Re B, Bersani F, Giorgi G
    Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna(Italy)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2019: Online
  • Atlantic Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) Larvae Have a Magnetic Compass that Guides Their Orientation.
    Cresci A, Paris CB, Foretich MA, Durif CM, Shema SD, O'Brien CE, Vikebø FB, Skiftesvik AB, Browman HI
    Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science(USA)
    iScience 2019; 19: 1173-1178
  • 5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects-A Pragmatic Review Based on Available Studies Regarding 6 to 100 GHz.
    Simkó M, Mattsson MO
    SciProof International AB(Sweden)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019; 16 (18)
  • Evaluation of radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency field levels at children's playground sites in Greece from 2013 to 2018.
    Christopoulou M, Karabetsos E
    Non Ionizing Radiation Office, Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE)(Greece)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2019: Online
  • The specific absorption rate in different brain regions of rats exposed to electromagnetic plane waves.
    Wang HY, Li CF, Yu C, Dong J, Zou Y, Nie BB, Li JK, Ma L, Peng RY
    Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine(China)
    Sci Rep 2019; 9 (1): 13277
  • Evaluation of the Validity of a Nonlinear J-Shaped Dose-Response Relationship in Cancers Induced by Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields.
    Mortazavi SMJ, Mortazavi SAR, Haghani M
    Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Fox Chase Cancer Center(USA)
    J Biomed Phys Eng 2019; 9 (4): 487-494
  • Environmental risk factors of primary brain tumors: A review.
    Vienne-Jumeau A, Tafani C, Ricard D
    Service de Santé des Armées, Cognition and Action Group, Cognac-G, CNRS UMR 8257, université Paris Descartes, université de Paris(France)
    Rev Neurol (Paris) 2019: Online
  • Weak radiofrequency fields affect the insect circadian clock.
    Bartos P, Netusil R, Slaby P, Dolezel D, Ritz T, Vacha M
    Department of Experimental Biology, Section of Animal Physiology and Immunology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University(Czech)
    J R Soc Interface 2019; 16 (158): 20190285
  • Comparison of Numerical Techniques for the Evaluation of Human Exposure From Measurement Data.
    Gubernati AC, Freschi F, Giaccone L, Campi T, de Santis V, Laakso I
    Dipartimento Energia “G. Ferraris”, Politecnico di Torino(Italy)
    IEEE Trans Magn 2019; 55 (6): 5000404
  • Early-Life Exposure to Pulsed LTE Radiofrequency Fields Causes Persistent Changes in Activity and Behavior in C57BL/6 J Mice.
    Broom KA, Findlay R, Addison DS, Goiceanu C, Sienkiewicz Z
    Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, Public Health England(UK)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2019: Online
  • Chromosome damage in human cells induced by UMTS mobile telephony radiation.
    Panagopoulos DJ
    National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"(Greece)
    Gen Physiol Biophys 2019: Online
  • Mobile telephony and its effects on human health.
    Magiera A, Solecka J
    National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Department of Environmental Health and Safety(Poland)
    Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2019; 70 (3): 225-234