IARC revised "Monographs on Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans" website (Volumes 1-127)
1 July, 2020.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, revised its website "IARC Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans" on June 26, 2020.
This revision is to notify the publication of the summary results of "Monographs Vol. 127: Carcinogenicity of some aromatic amines and related compounds".
In the Monographs, aniline (and aniline hydrochloride), ortho-anisidine (and ortho-anisidine hydrochloride) and ortho-nitroanisole were classified as "Group 2A: probably carcinogenic to humans", and cupferron were classified as "Group 2B: possibly carcinogenic to humans".
*Note from JEIC:
Previous volume of the IARC Monographs was “Vol.125: Some Industrial Chemical Intermediates and Solvents“, and “Vol.126: Opium" has not been published (the Working Group meeting for hazard identification will be held in September 2020).
And there is no change in the carcinogenic hazard categories for EMFs.
Related information:
IARC revised "Monographs on Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans" website (Volumes 1-125) (posted on 21 February, 2020)