ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group set up to tackle Work Plan tasks
11 March, 2021.
For its term of office 2020-2024 and beyond, the ICNIRP Commission has defined the new Work Plan, which encompasses most frequencies and wavelengths across the NIR spectrum. Tasks ahead include revisiting the low frequencies and static magnetic fields guidelines, analyzing the environmental issues related to EMFs, reviewing chronic effects of UV, updating the laser radiation guidelines, exploring the ultrasound range in more general terms after the last review on diagnostic and cosmetic applications, and updating the laser guidelines. The Commission also will finalize topics started in the previous term and expects in particular a statement focusing on the effects of short wavelength light on circadian rhythms.
Organized around task specific Project Groups set up to tackle this broad work plan, scientists from all over the world and disciplines have now joined in to form the Scientific Experts Group and complement those colleagues already in collaboration. Additional nominations may follow as required by the tasks.
A list of the SEG members including short curricula vitae and DOIs, the Work Plan and Project Groups are displayed on the website.
Background information
As per the ICNIRP Statutes, every four years the ICNIRP Commission members design a Work Plan, establish the Scientific Experts Group and set up the Project Groups. For the term of office 2020-2024, the Commission was elected at the ICNIRP Annual General Meeting, 17-18 November 2019, Munich, Germany. The Work Plan, the SEG and PGs were finalized via online meetings in the weeks following the 15th IRPA Congress, which due to the COVID crisis was delayed by half a year and took place 18-22 January 2021.