New Publications ( 16-31/July/2021)
24 August, 2021.
Here you find a list of new published articles that will be added to the JEIC Reserch Database when they are ready.
- Changes in Body Temperature of Small Mammals and Birds in a Few Minutes Range as Reflection of Environmental Influences.
Diatroptov ME
Russian Academy of Sciences(Russia)
Bull Exp Biol Med 2021: Online
- Effects of 5.8 GHz microwave on hippocampal synaptic plasticity of rats.
Rui G, Liu LY, Guo L, Xue YZ, Lai PP, Gao P, Xing JL, Li J, Ding GR
Ministry of Education Key Lab of Hazard Assessment and Control in Special Operational Environment(China)
Int J Environ Health Res 2021: Online
- Use of Machine Learning for the Estimation of Down- and Up-Link Field Exposure in Multi-Source Indoor WiFi Scenarios.
Tognola G, Plets D, Chiaramello E, Gallucci S, Bonato M, Fiocchi S, Parazzini M, Martens L, Joseph W, Ravazzani P
National Research Council, Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (CNR IEIIT)(Italy)
Bioelectromagnetics 2021: Online
- Methods and Experiments for Sensing Variations in Solar Activity and Defining Their Impact on Heart Variability.
Hanzelka M, Dan J, Szabó Z, Roubal Z, Dohnal P, Kadlec R
Brno University of Technology(Czech)
Sensors (Basel) 2021; 21 (14): 4817
- Effect of the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Radiation on Transcriptomic Profile of Pig Myometrium during the Peri-Implantation Period-An In Vitro Study.
Drzewiecka EM, Kozlowska W, Paukszto L, Zmijewska A, Wydorski PJ, Jastrzebski JP, Franczak A
University of Warmia and Mazury(Poland)
- Association between mobile phone use and hearing impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Taziki Balajelini MH, Mohammadi M, Rajabi A
Golestan University of Medical Sciences(Iran)
Rev Environ Health 2021: Online
- Electromagnetic Field Exposure in Kindergarten Children: Responsive Health Risk Concern.
Acharya SR, Shin YC, Moon DH, Pahari S
Graduate School of Public Health, Busan Medical Campus, Inje University(Korea)
Front Pediatr 2021; 9: 694407
- Reflection Properties of the Human Skin From 40 to 110 GHz: A Confirmation Study.
Christ A, Aeschbacher A, Rouholahnejad F, Samaras T, Tarigan B, Kuster N
Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT'IS)(Switzerland)
Bioelectromagnetics 2021: Online
- Epigenetic dysregulation in various types of cells exposed to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields.
Giorgi G, Del Re B
University of Bologna(Italy)
Cell Tissue Res 2021: Online
- Effects of mobile phone radiation on buccal mucosal cells: A systematic review.
Revanth MP, Aparna S, Madankumar PD
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Ragas Dental College and Hospital(India)
Electromagn Biol Med 2020; 39 (4): 273-281
- 3D GIS for surface modelling of magnetic fields generated by overhead power lines and their validation in a complex urban area.
Miravet-Garret L, de Cózar-Macías ÓD, Blázquez-Parra EB, Marín-Granados MD, García-González JB
Department of Graphic Expression, Design and Projects, School of Industrial Engineering, University of Malaga(Spain)
Sci Total Environ 2021; 796: 148818
- The Critical Importance of Molecular Biomarkers and Imaging in the Study of Electrohypersensitivity. A Scientific Consensus International Report.
Belpomme D, Carlo GL, Irigaray P, Carpenter DO, Hardell L, Kundi M, Belyaev I, Havas M, Adlkofer F, Heuser G, Miller AB, Caccamo D, De Luca C, von Klitzing L, Pall ML, Bandara P, Stein Y, Sage C, Soffritti M, Davis D, Moskowitz JM, Mortazavi SMJ, Herbert MR, Moshammer H, Ledoigt G, Turner R, Tweedale A, Munoz-Palero P, Udasin I, Koppel T, Burgio E, Vander Vorst A
Association for Research Against Cancer (ARTAC)(France)
Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22 (14): 7321
- Development of health-based exposure limits for radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices using a benchmark dose approach.
Uche UI, Naidenko OV
Environmental Working Group(USA)
Environ Health 2021; 20 (1): 84
- Clinical and Lifestyle Factors and Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Population-Based Case-Control Study.
Filippini T, Fiore M, Tesauro M, Malagoli C, Consonni M, Violi F, Arcolin E, Iacuzio L, Oliveri Conti G, Cristaldi A, Zuccarello P, Zucchi E, Mazzini L, Pisano F, Gagliardi I, Patti F, Mandrioli J, Ferrante M, Vinceti M
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia(Italy)
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17 (3): E857
- Improving the Quality of Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research: The Need for a Carrot and a Stick.
Vijayalaxmi, Foster KR
Department of Radiology, University of Texas Health Science Center(USA)
Radiat Res 2021: Online
- Time-temperature Thresholds and Safety Factors for Thermal Hazards from Radiofrequency Energy above 6 GHz.
Foster KR, Ziskin MC, Balzano Q
Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania Department of Radiology(USA)
Health Phys 2021: Online