New Zealand Ministry of Health published a report by the Interagency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-ionising Fields
11 July 2022
New Zealand’s Ministry of Health convenes a technical advisory committee, the Interagency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-ionising Fields (the Committee), to monitor and review research on the health effects of electromagnetic fields. The Committee reports to the Director-General of Health but also periodically prepares a report for the Ministers of Health, Education, Energy & Resources, Environment, Broadcasting & Media, and Workplace Relations & Safety to provide them with background information and a current summary of key research findings
The 2022 publication updates the reports published in 2015 and in 2018, including more recent information where it is relevant. The findings of recent research do not cause the Committee to consider that current policies and recommendations should be changed.
In view of the continuing public interest in this area, the ubiquitous nature of exposures and the open research questions that remain, the Committee will continue to monitor new research.