IARC Advisory Group recommended RF as "high priority" for re-evaluation
15 Apr 2024
The results of the recent meeting of the Advisory Group to Recommend Priorities for the IARC Monographs during 2025–2029 have now been published in The Lancet Oncology.
Among others, non-ionizing radiation (radiofrequency) was recommended for evaluation with “high priority (advised to conduct in latter half of 5-year period)” due to “new human cancer and animal cancer evidence to warrant re-evaluation of the classification”.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields were “not recommended for evaluation” since “existing evidence does not appear to support a change in classification”.
IARC press release:
The Lancet Oncology:
Related information:
“IARC Advisory Group recommended RF as "high priority" for re-evaluation” (Posted on 22 April 2019)
“IARC encourages to nominate agents for review in future IARC Monographs” (Posted on 06 April 2023)