IARC calls for Public Comments on Update to the Monographs Preamble

IARC announced that the Call for Public Comments on Update to the Preamble is now open, and comments should be submitted online using the Public Comments Form. Closing date is September 7.

All presenters will complete the WHO Declaration of Interests, agree to the Code of Conduct, and agree to provide a brief (up to 10 minute) public presentation during the webinar. Each nomination should be included 1) Curriculum vitae of the proposed presenter; 2) separate list of presenter’s publications that are relevant to the study and evaluation of carcinogenicity; and 3)WHO Declaration of Interests to disclose associations with parties that have an interest in any agent that may be reviewd by the IARC Monographs programme.

A Q&A document relating to the Advisory Group to Recommend an Update to the Preamble is also available online.