New Publications ( 15-30/April/2019)

17 May, 2019.

Here you find an list of new published articles which will be added to JEIC Reserch Database within a week.

  • ION cyclotron resonance: Geomagnetic strategy for living systems?
    Liboff AR
    Department of Physics , Oakland University(USA)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2019: Online
  • Assessment of the effects of radiofrequency radiation on human colon epithelium cells.
    Tomruk A, Terzi YK, Guler GO
    Department ofBiophysics, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine(Turkey)
    Bratisl Lek Listy 2019; 120 (4): 299-308
  • iTRAQ quantitatively proteomic analysis of the hippocampus in a rat model of accumulative microwave-induced cognitive impairment.
    Wang H, Tan S, Dong J, Zhang J, Yao B, Xu X, Hao Y, Yu C, Zhou H, Zhao L, Peng R
    Department of Experimental Pathology, Institute of Radiation Medicine(China)
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2019: Online
  • Effect of cell phone radiation on neutrophil of mice.
    Pei Y, Gao H, Li L, An X, Tian Q
    Department of Immunology , School of Elementary Medicine, North China University of Science and Technology(China)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2019: Online
  • Alterations of Hematologic and Hematopoietic Parameters in Mice Exposed to Pulsed Electromagnetic Field.
    Li K, Teng Z, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Long K, Liao Q, Ni A, Ding G, Ma S
    Medical College, Xijing University(China)
    J Immunol Res 2019; 2019: 3628956
  • On The Assessment of Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Transmitted by 5G NR Base Stations.
    Keller H
    Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH(Germany)
    Health Phys 2019: Online
  • Altered morphology and biochemistry of the female rat liver following 900 megahertz electromagnetic field exposure during mid to late adolescence.
    Okatan DÖ, Kulaber A, Kerimoglu G, Odaci E
    Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine , Karadeniz Technical University(Turkey)
    Biotech Histochem 2019: Online
  • The effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on c-Maf, STAT6, and RORα expressions in spleen and thymus of rat.
    Mahaki H, Jabarivasal N, Sardarian K, Zamani A
    Department of Immunology , School of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences(Iran)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2019: Online
  • Microwave Emissions From Cell Phones Exceed Safety Limits in Europe and the US When Touching the Body.
    Gandhi OP
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Utah(USA)
    IEEE Access 2019; 7: 47050-47052
  • Cardiovascular response as a marker of environmental stress caused by variations in geomagnetic field and local weather.
    Pishchalnikov RY, Gurfinkel YI, Sarimov RM, Vasin AL, Sasonko ML, Matveeva TA, Binhi VN, Baranov MV
    Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences(Russia)
    Biomed Signal Process Control 2019; 51: 401-410
  • The Response of Osteoblasts and Bone to Sinusoidal Electromagnetic Fields: Insights from the Literature.
    Galli C, Colangelo M, Pedrazzi G, Guizzardi S
    Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma(Italy)
    Calcif Tissue Int 2019: Online
  • A Systematic Review of in vitro and in vivo Radio Frequency Exposure Methods.
    Hansen JW, Swartz EM, Cleveland JD, Asif SM, Brooks B, Braaten BD, Ewert D
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University(USA)
    IEEE Rev Biomed Eng 2019: Online
  • A systematic review of health risk communication about EMFs from wireless technologies.
    Boehmert C, Freudenstein F, Wiedemann P
    Department of Science Communication, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kahlsruhe Institute of Technology(Germany)
    J Risk Res 2019: Online
  • Maternal Cell Phone Use During Pregnancy, Pregnancy Duration And Fetal Growth In Four Birth Cohorts.
    Tsarna E, Reedijk M, Birks LE, Guxens M, Ballester F, Ha M, Jiménez-Zabala A, Kheifets L, Lertxundi A, Lim HR, Olsen J, Safont LG, Sudan M, Cardis E, Vrijheid M, Vrijkotte T, Huss A, Vermeulen R
    Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University(Netherlands)
    Am J Epidemiol 2019: Online
  • Non-Ionizing Radiation in Swedish Health Care-Exposure and Safety Aspects.
    Hansson Mild K, Lundström R, Wilén J
    Department of Radiation Sciences, Umeå University(Sweden)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019; 16 (7): E1186
  • Exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation of public risk prevention instruments threatens the quality of spermatozoids.
    Tirpak F, Slanina T, Tomka M, Zidek R, Halo Jr M, Ivanic P, Gren A, Formicki G, Stachanczyk K, Lukac N, Massanyi P
    Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic(Slovakia)
    Reprod Domest Anim 2019; 54 (2): 150-159