What's New
- International trends The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has published the 11th report from its Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields.
- New publications New Publications ( 28/04-13/05/2016)
- New publications New Publications ( 15-28/04/2016)
- New publications New Publications ( 01-14/04/2016)
- International trends European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety has appointed the members of its Scientific Committees that provide independent scientific advice related to health, the environment and emerging risks, to inform EU policy making.
- New publications New Publications ( 01-31/03/2016)
- International trends The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has published a research report where relevant international regulations for limiting exposure for the general population in all areas of non-ionizing radiation are analyzed and compared.
- International trends IARC Monographs Volume 115: Evaluation of some industrial chemicals
- New publications New Publications ( 01-15/03/2016)
- New publications New Publications ( 15-29/02/2016)
- International trends U.K. National Health Service released a statement with regard to a recent research paper reporting possible link between mobile phone use and semen quality.
- New publications New Publications ( 1-14/02/2016)
- New publications New Publications ( 16-31/01/2016)
- International trends Two research projects of the 7th Framework Program of the EU (FP7-ENV) have published their final report.
- New publications New Publications ( 01-15/01/2016)
- International trends EC's new Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing
- International trends The Federal Council of Germany has approved the provisions of the minimization of the electromagnetic fields
- International trends ICNIRP published the Committee members of 2016- 2020
- International trends IARC released Volume 114 of the Monographs
- International trends SSM released Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk