- Lipid Oxidation Induced by RF Waves and Mediated by Ferritin Iron Causes Activation of Ferritin-Tagged Ion Channels.
- RF波によって誘導されフェリチン鉄によって媒介される脂質酸化はフェリチン標識イオンチャネルの活性化を生じる
- Hernández-Morales M, Shang T, Chen J, Han V, Liu C
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley(米国)
- Cell Rep 2020; 30 (10): 3250-3260.e7
- Valid Exposure Protocols Needed in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Genotoxic Research.
- 磁気共鳴画像撮影法の遺伝毒性研究に必要な有効なばく露プロトコル
- Wilén J, Olsrud J, Frankel J, Hansson Mild K
- Department of Radiation Sciences, Radiation Physics, Umeå University(スウェーデン)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2020: Online
- Specific low-frequency electromagnetic fields induce expression of active KDM6B associated with functional changes in U937 cells.
- 特定の低周波電磁界はU937細胞の機能変化に関連する活発なKDM6Bの発現を誘導する
- Pinton G, Ferraro A, Balma M, Moro L
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Piemonte Orientale(イタリア)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2020: Online
- The different sources of electromagnetic fields: Dangers are not limited to physical health.
- 電磁界のさまざまな発生源:危険は身体の健康に限定されない
- Deruelle F
- 所属の記述なし(フランス)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2020: Online
- Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz).
- 電磁界へのばく露の制限のためのガイドライン(100 kHzから300 GHzまで)
- Croft R, Feychting M, Green AC, Hirata A, D'Inzeo G, Jokela K, Loughran S, Marino C, Miller S, Oftedal G, van Rongen E, Röösli M, Sienkiewicz Z, Tattersall J, Watanabe S
- International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection(国際機関)
- Health Phys 2020: Online
- Evidences of the (400 MHz - 3 GHz) radiofrequency electromagnetic field influence on brain tumor induction.
- 無線周波電磁界(400 MHz - 3 GHz)が脳腫瘍の誘導に影響力を及ぼす証拠
- Pareja-Peña F, Burgos-Molina AM, Sendra-Portero F, Ruiz-Gómez MJ
- Departamento de Radiología y Medicina Física, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Málaga(スペイン)
- Int J Environ Health Res 2020: Online
- A 50-Hz magnetic-field exposure promotes human amniotic cells proliferation via SphK-S1P-S1PR cascade mediated ERK signaling pathway.
- 50 Hzの磁界ばく露はSphK-S1P-S1PRカスケードを介したERK[細胞外シグナル調節キナーゼ]シグナル伝達経路を介してヒト羊膜細胞の増殖を促進する
- Chen L, Xia Y, Lu J, Xie Q, Ye A, Sun W
- Bioelectromagnetics Key Laboratory, Zhejiang University School of Medicine(中国)
- Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2020; 194: 110407
- Chromosome aberration in typical biological systems under exposure to low- and high-intensity magnetic fields.
- 低強度および高強度磁界へのばく露下での一般的な生物系の染色体異常
- Calabrò E, Goswami HK, Magazù S
- Department of Mathematical and Informatics Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina(イタリア)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2020: Online
- Anthropogenic electromagnetic fields (EMF) influence the behaviour of bottom-dwelling marine species.
- 人為的な電磁界は底生海洋種の行動に影響力を及ぼす
- Hutchison ZL, Gill AB, Sigray P, He H, King JW
- Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island(米国)
- Sci Rep 2020; 10 (1): 4219
- Effects of power frequency electric field exposure on kidney.
- 腎臓に対する電力周波数電界ばく露の影響
- Di G, Dong L, Xie Z, Xu Y, Xiang J
- Institute of Environmental Process, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University(中国)
- Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2020; 194: 110354
- The Safety of Maternal and Fetal MRI at 3T.
- 3Tにおける母体および胎児MRIの安全性
- Chartier AL, Bouvier MJ, McPherson DR, Stepenosky JE, Taysom DA, Marks RM
- Department of Radiology, Naval Medical Center San Diego(米国)
- AJR Am J Roentgenol 2019; 213 (5): 1170-1173
- The radio-protective effect of rosmarinic acid against mobile phone and Wi-Fi radiation-induced oxidative stress in the brains of rats.
- ラットの脳での携帯電話およびWi-Fi放射による酸化ストレスに対するロスマリン酸の電波防護効果
- Asl JF, Goudarzi M, Shoghi H
- Department of Radiologic Technology, School of Paramedicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- Pharmacol Rep 2020: Online
- Evaluation of the Effect of Chronic 94 GHz Exposure on Gene Expression in the Skin of Hairless Rats In Vivo.
- イン・ビボでの無毛ラットの皮膚における遺伝子発現に対する慢性94 GHzばく露の影響の評価
- Habauzit D, Nugue G, Bourbon F, Martin C, Del Vecchio F, Maunoir-Regimbal S, Poyot T, Valente M, Jaoui R, Crouzier D, Le Dréan Y, Debouzy JC
- Univ Rennes, Inserm, EHESP, IRSET (Institut de Recherche en Santé, Environnement et Travail)(フランス)
- Radiat Res 2020: Online
- The decreased permittivity of zebrafish embryos culture medium by magnetic fields did not affect early development of zebrafish embryos.
- 磁界によるゼブラフィッシュ胚培地の誘電率の低下はゼブラフィッシュ胚の初期発生に影響しない
- Su L, Zhu L, Liu Z, Lou J, Han B, Lin C, Li D, Qian J, Zhao X, Chen G
- Zhejiang University School of Medicine(中国)
- Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2020; 193: 110350
- Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Do Not Affect LTP-Like Plasticity in Healthy Humans.
- 超低周波磁界は健康なヒトのLTP[長期増強]様の可塑性に影響を及ぼさない
- Capone F, Pellegrino G, Motolese F, Rossi M, Musumeci G, Di Lazzaro V
- Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma(イタリア)
- Front Hum Neurosci 2020; 14: 14
- Electromagnetic Radiation due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies: How safe are we ?
- 携帯電話、Wi-Fi及びBluetooth技術からの電磁放射:我々はどの程度安全か?
- Naren, Elhence A, Chamola V, Guizani M
- Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)(インド)
- IEEE Access 2020: Online
- Symptoms Experienced by MR Technologists Exposed to Static Magnetic Fields.
- 静磁界にばく露されたMR[磁気共鳴]技師が経験した症状
- Walker M, Fultz A, Davies C, Brockopp D
- Baptist Health System(米国)
- Radiol Technol 2020; 91 (4): 316-323
- Exposure to electronic devices and sleep quality in adolescents: A matter of type, duration, and timing.
- 若年者における電子機器へのばく露と睡眠の質:種類、期間及びタイミングの問題
- Caumo GH, Spritzer D, Carissimi A, Tonon AC
- Laboratório de Cronobiologia e Sono, Porto Alegre Clinicas Hospital (HCPA)/Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)(ブラジル)
- Sleep Health 2020: S2352-7218(19)30266-9
- Design and Dosimetric Analysis of an Exposure Facility for Investigating Possible Effects of 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi Signals on Human Sleep.
- 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi信号によって生じるかも知れないヒトの睡眠への影響の調査のためのばく露施設のデザイン及びドシメトリ分析
- Schmid G, Hirtl R, Bueno-Lopez A, Dorn H, Eggert T, Danker-Hopfe H
- Seibersdorf Laboratories(オーストリア)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2020: Online