- An Evaluation of the Genotoxic Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation at 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, and 2100 MHz Frequencies with a SMART Assay in Drosophila melanogaster.
- Drosophila melanogaster.[キイロショウジョバエ]におけるSMATアッセイを用いた周波数900 MHz、1800 MHzおよび2100 MHzの電磁放射の遺伝毒性作用の評価
- Gunes M, Ates K, Yalcin B, Akkurt S, Ozen S, Kaya B
- Department of Biology, Akdeniz University(トルコ)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2021: Online
- Histopathological and epigenetic alterations in the spinal cord due to prenatal electromagnetic field exposure: An H3K27me3-related mechanism.
- 出生前の電磁界ばく露による脊髄の組織病理学的およびエピジェネティックな変化:H3K27me3関連メカニズム
- Keleş Aİ, Süt BB
- Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi(トルコ)
- Toxicol Ind Health 2021: Online
- Effect of the oscillating magnetic field on airborne fungal.
- 空中浮遊菌に対する振動磁界の影響
- Anaya M, Gámez-Espinosa E, Valdés O, Guzmán T, Borrego S
- Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Alimentaria (GEIA), Avenida del Puerto s/n entre Hacendado y Atarés(キューバ)
- Arch Microbiol 2021: Online
- Long-term exposure to a hypomagnetic field attenuates adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognition.
- 低磁界への長期ばく露は成体の海馬の神経新生および認知を減弱させる
- Zhang B, Wang L, Zhan A, Wang M, Tian L, Guo W, Pan Y
- Biogeomagnetism Group, Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国)
- Nat Commun 2021; 12 (1): 1174
- Establishment of injury models in studies of biological effects induced by microwave radiation.
- マイクロ波放射による生物学的影響についての研究における傷害モデルの構築
- Lai YF, Wang HY, Peng RY
- Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine(中国)
- Mil Med Res 2021; 8 (1): 12
- Age-dependence of electromagnetic power and heat deposition in near-surface tissues in emerging 5G bands.
- 新たな5G帯域における表面近傍組織での電磁力および熱の吸収の年齢依存性
- Sacco G, Pisa S, Zhadobov M
- Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Sapienza University of Rome(イタリア)
- Sci Rep 2021; 11 (1): 3983
- A cohort study on adult hematological malignancies and brain tumors in relation to magnetic fields from indoor transformer stations.
- 屋内変圧器室からの磁界に関連した成人の血液学的悪性疾患および脳腫瘍についてのコホート研究
- Khan MW, Juutilainen J, Auvinen A, Naarala J, Pukkala E, Roivainen P
- Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Eastern Finland(フィンランド)
- Int J Hyg Environ Health 2021; 233: 113712
- Lost opportunities for cancer prevention: historical evidence on early warnings with emphasis on radiofrequency radiation.
- がん予防のための機会の喪失:無線周波放射に重点を置いた早期警戒についての歴史的証拠
- Hardell L, Carlberg M
- Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University(スウェーデン)
- Rev Environ Health 2021: Online
- Effects of modulation on sodium and potassium channel currents by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields stimulation on hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells.
- 海馬CA1錐体細胞に対する超低周波電磁界刺激によるナトリウムおよびカリウムチャネル電流に対する変調の影響
- Zheng Y, Xia P, Dong L, Tian L, Xiong C
- Tiangong University(中国)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2021: Online
- Assessment of the effects of exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on MDCK epithelial cell lines under a controlled environment.
- 管理環境下でのMDCK[イヌ腎臓]上皮細胞株に対する超低周波磁界へのばく露の影響の評価
- Domínguez G, Cardiel E, Sánchez E, Hernández PR
- Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute(メキシコ)
- J Radiat Res 2021: Online
- Assessment of sexual hormones in foundry workers exposed to heat stress and electromagnetic fields.
- 熱ストレスと電磁界にばく露された鋳造労働者における性ホルモンの評価
- Mohammadi H, Dehghan SF, Moradi N, Suri S, Pirposhteh EA, Ardakani SK, Golbabaei F
- Tehran University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- Reprod Toxicol 2021: Online
- Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields and Health Surveillance According to the European Directive 2013/35/EU.
- 欧州指令2013/35/EUに従った電磁界への職業的ばく露と健康調査
- Modenese A, Gobba F
- Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia(イタリア)
- Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18 (4): 1730
- Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field as a Stress Factor - Really Detrimental? - Insight into Literature from the Last Decade.
- ストレス要因としての超低周波磁界‐本当に有害か? -過去10年の文献からの洞察
- Klimek A, Rogalska J
- Nicolaus Copernicus University(ポーランド)
- Brain Sci 2021; 11 (2): 174
- Influence of Static Magnetic Field on HeLa and Huo2 Cells in the Presence of Aloe vera Extract.
- アロエベラ抽出物の存在下でのHeLaおよびHuo2細胞に対する静磁界の影響力
- Satari M, Javani Jouni F, Abolmaleki P, Soleimani H
- Malayer University(イラン)
- Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2021; 22 (S1): 9-15
- The Effect of Continuous Low-Intensity Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Radio Base Stations to Cancer Mortality in Brazil.
- ブラジルにおけるがん死亡率に対する無線基地局からの電磁界への連続的な低強度ばく露の影響
- Rodrigues NCP, Dode AC, de Noronha Andrade MK, O'Dwyer G, Monteiro DLM, Reis INC, Rodrigues RP, Frossard VC, Lino VTS
- Sérgio Arouca National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation(ブラジル)
- Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18 (3): 1229
- The Influence of the Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma.
- 淡明細胞型腎がんに対する超低周波電磁界の影響力
- Cios A, Ciepielak M, Stankiewicz W, Szymański Ł
- Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology(ポーランド)
- Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22 (3): 1342