

  • Identification of Environmental and Experimental Factors Influencing Human Perception of DC and AC Electric Fields.
    Jankowiak K, Drießen S, Kaifie A, Kimpeler S, Krampert T, Kraus T, Stunder D, Kursawe M
    Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Interaction (femu)-Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen University(ドイツ)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2021: Online
  • Corneal sensitivity is required for orientation in free-flying migratory bats.
    Lindecke O, Holland RA, Pētersons G, Voigt CC
    Department of Evolutionary Ecology, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research(ドイツ)
    Commun Biol 2021; 4 (1): 522
  • Can a causal relationship be established between acoustic neuroma and occupational exposure to non-ionizing radiations from mobile devices? Comparison between scientific literature data and medico-legal methodology.
    聴神経鞘腫とモバイルデバイスからの非電離放射線への職業的ばく露との因果関係を確立できるか? 科学文献データと法医学的手法との比較
    Montanari Vergallo G, Ralli M, Angeletti D, Di Luca A, Mazzariol B, Greco A, di Luca NM, De Vincentiis M
    Dipartimento SAIMLAL, Università "La Sapienza"(イタリア)
    Clin Ter 2021; 172 (3): 197-205
  • Comparison of effects of high- and low-frequency electromagnetic fields on proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells.
    Bai W, Li M, Xu W, Zhang M
    Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Institute of Geriatrics(中国)
    Neurosci Lett 2021; 741: 135463
  • Effects of electromagnetic fields on neuronal ion channels: a systematic review.
    Bertagna F, Lewis R, Silva SRP, McFadden J, Jeevaratnam K
    Leverhulme Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre, University of Surrey(英国)
    Ann N Y Acad Sci 2021: Online
  • Safety Analysis of Long-Range and High-Power Wireless Power Transfer using Resonant Beam.
    Fang W, Deng H, Liu Q, Liu M, Jiang Q, Yang L, Giannakis GB
    College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tongji University(中国)
    IEEE Trans Signal Process 2021: Online
  • Modern health worries and idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields are associated with paranoid ideation.
    Szemerszky R, Dömötör Z, Witthöft M, Köteles F
    Institute of Health Promotion and Sport Sciences, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University(ハンガリー)
    J Psychosom Res 2021; 146: 110501
  • 1800 MHz Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Impairs Neurite Outgrowth Through Inhibiting EPHA5 Signaling.
    1800 MHzの高周波電磁界はEPHA5シグナル伝達を阻害することで神経突起の伸長を損なう
    Chen C, Ma Q, Deng P, Lin M, Gao P, He M, Lu Y, Pi H, He Z, Zhou C, Zhang Y, Yu Z, Zhang L
    Department of Occupational Health, Third Military Medical University(中国)
    Front Cell Dev Biol 2021; 9: 657623






