- The Effect of Rotating Magnetic Field on Susceptibility Profile of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains Exposed to Activity of Different Groups of Antibiotics.
- 活性が異なる抗生物質にばく露したメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌株の感受性プロファイルに対する回転磁界の影響
- Woroszyło M, Ciecholewska-Juśko D, Junka A, Wardach M, Chodaczek G, Dudek B, Fijałkowski K
- Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin(ポーランド)
- Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22 (21): 11551
- Protective Effects of Anthocyanins Extracted from Vaccinium Uliginosum on 661W Cells Against Microwave-Induced Retinal Damage.
- 661W細胞[光受容細胞株]へのマイクロ波による網膜損傷に対するクロマメノキ[Vaccinium Uliginosum]から抽出したアントシアニンの防護作用
- Yin L, Fan SJ, Zhang MN
- Department of Ophthalmology, Chinese PLA General Hospital(中国)
- Chin J Integr Med 2021: Online
- Environmental factors and risks of cognitive impairment and dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- 認知障害および認知症の環境要因およびリスク:系統的レビューおよびメタ分析
- Zhao YL, Qu Y, Ou YN, Zhang YR, Tan L, Yu JT
- Department of Neurology, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Qingdao University(中国)
- Ageing Res Rev 2021; 72: 101504
- The biological effects of electromagnetic exposure on immune cells and potential mechanisms.
- 免疫細胞に対する電磁界ばく露の生物学的影響および潜在的機序
- Yao C, Zhao L, Peng R
- Department of Experimental Pathology, Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine(中国)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2021: Online
- Estimated all-day and evening whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic fields doses, and sleep in preadolescents.
- 若年者の終日および夜間の脳全体での高周波電磁界ばく露量の推定値と睡眠
- Cabré-Riera A, van Wel L, Liorni I, Koopman-Verhoeff ME, Imaz L, Ibarluzea J, Huss A, Wiart J, Vermeulen R, Joseph W, Capstick M, Vrijheid M, Cardis E, Röösli M, Eeftens M, Thielens A, Tiemeier H, Guxens M
- ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain; Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain; Spanish Consortium for Research and Public Health (CIBERESP), Instituto de Salud Carlos III(スペイン)
- Environ Res 2021: Online
- Intercomparison of Calculated Incident Power Density and Temperature Rise for Exposure from Different Antennas at 10–90 GHz.
- 10-90 GHzの異なるアンテナからのばく露に対する入射電力密度と温度上昇の計算値の相互比較
- Li K, Diao Y, Sasaki K, Prokop A, Poljak D, Doric V, Xi J, Kodera S, Hirata A, El Hajj W
- Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa University(日本)
- IEEE Access 2021: Online
- The toxic effect of mobile phone radiation on rabbit organs.
- ウサギの臓器に対する携帯電話放射の有害な作用
- Zhu S, Zhu Y, Li H, Zhang D, Zhang D
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Life Sciences, Central South University(中国)
- All Life 2020; 13 (1): 252-258
- Effect of hand-held mobile phones on the parotid gland: A cross sectional study.
- 耳下腺に対するハンドヘルド携帯電話の影響:横断研究
- Jeevitha G, Anuradha G
- Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Madha Dental College and Hospital(インド)
- Journal Of Indian Academy Of Oral Medicine And Radiology 2020; 32 (4): 335-340
- Short- and long-duration exposures to cell-phone radiofrequency waves produce dichotomous effects on phototactic response and circadian characteristics of locomotor activity rhythm in zebrafish, Danio rerio.
- 携帯電話の高周波電波への短期および長期ばく露はゼブラフィッシュの走光性反応に対する二分法の影響および運動活動リズムの概日特性を生じる
- Malik S, Pati AK, Parganiha A
- Chronobiology and Animal Behavior Laboratory, School of Studies in Life Science, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University(インド)
- Biol Rhythm Res 2021; 52 (10): 1560-1575
- The association between mobile phones and the risk of brain cancer mortality: A 25-year cross-country analysis.
- 携帯電話と脳のがん死亡率のリスクとの関連:25年間の国際分析
- Mialon HM, Nesson ET
- Department of Economics, Emory University(米国)
- Contemporary Economic Policy 2020; 38 (2): 258-269
- Power Absorption and Skin Temperature Rise from Simultaneous Near-field Exposure at 2 and 28 GHz.
- 2および28 GHzでの同時近傍界ばく露による電力吸収および皮膚温度上昇
- Miura N, Kodera S, Diao Y, Higashiyama J, Suzuki Y, Hirata A
- Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology(日本)
- IEEE Access 2021: Online
- Dielectric Properties of Human Active Liver, Kidney and Spleen Compared to Those of Respective Inactive Tissues, Porcine Tissues and the Data Provided by a Database in the Frequency Range of 10 Hz to 100 MHz.
- 10 Hz-100MHzの周波数範囲でのヒトの活動的な肝臓、腎臓および脾臓の誘電特性と、非活動的なそれぞれの組織、ブタの組織、ならびにデータベースからのデータとの比較
- Wang L, Wang H, Xu C, Ji Z, Li J, Dong X, Shi X
- Institute of Medical Research, Northwestern Polytechnical University(中国)
- IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2021; 68 (10): 3098-3109
- Effects of radiofrequency radiation on colorectal cancer cell proliferation and inflammation
- 結腸直腸がん細胞の増殖および炎症に対する高周波放射の影響
- Ozgur E, Kayhan H, Kismali G, Senturk F, Sensoz M, Ozturk GG, Sel T
- Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University(トルコ)
- Turk J Biochem 2021; 46 (5): 525-532
- Environmental determinants of thyroid pathology
- 甲状腺病理学の環境的決定要因
- Ryabukha OI, Fedorenko VI
- 筆頭著者の所属の記述なし(ウクライナ)
- Med Perspekt 2021; 26 (3): 169-178
- Effect of Radiofrequency Waves of Mobile Phones on Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions.
- 歪成分耳音響放射に対する携帯電話の高周波電波の影響
- Nayak S, Aroor R, Shastri U, Goutham MK, Sinha D
- Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nitte Deemed to be University, KS Hegde Medical Academy(インド)
- J Health Allied Sci-Nu 2021: Online
- Field Uniformity Assessment of a Reverberation Chamber for a Large-Scale Animal Study.
- 大規模動物研究用の反射箱の電磁界の一様性評価
- Jeon S, Lee AK, Wang J, Pack JK, Kim YB, Ahn JH, Imaida K, Choi HD
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)(韓国)
- IEEE Access 2021; 9: 146471-146477
- Public Engagement with Science in Everyday Life: Perceptions of Wi-Fi Radiation Risks in Schools.
- 日常生活における科学への公衆の関与:学校におけるWi-Fi放射のリスクの認知
- Dalyot K, Sharon AJ, Orr D, Ben-David YB, Baram-Tsabari A
- Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology(イスラエル)
- Res Sci Educ 2021; 51 Suppl 2: 1035-1054
- Cellular stress response to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF): An explanation for controversial effects of ELF-EMF on apoptosis.
- 超低周波(ELF)電磁界への細胞のストレス応答:アポトーシスに対するELF電磁界の議論の余地のある影響についての説明
- Barati M, Darvishi B, Javidi MA, Mohammadian A, Shariatpanahi SP, Eisavand MR, Madjid Ansari A
- Integrative Oncology Department, Breast Cancer Research Center, Motamed Cancer Institute(イラン)
- Cell Prolif 2021: Online
- The effects of radiofrequency exposure on male fertility and adverse reproductive outcomes: A protocol for two systematic reviews of human observational studies with meta-analysis.
- 男性の生殖能力および負の生殖結果に対する高周波ばく露の影響:メタ分析を伴うヒト観察研究の2つの系統的レビューのためのプロトコル
- Kenny RPW, Millar EB, Adesanya A, Richmond C, Beyer F, Calderon C, Rankin J, Toledano M, Feychting M, Pearce MS, Craig D, Pearson F
- Evidence Synthesis Group, Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University(英国)
- Environ Int 2022; 158: 106968
- The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on human self-reported symptoms: A protocol for a systematic review of human experimental studies.
- ヒトの自己申告の症状に対する高周波電磁界ばく露の影響:ヒト実験研究の系統的レビューのためのプロトコル
- Bosch-Capblanch X, Esu E, Dongus S, Oringanje CM, Jalilian H, Eyers J, Oftedal G, Meremikwu M, Röösli M
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute(スイス)
- Environ Int 2022; 158: 106953
- Prenatal chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields modulated adenosine deaminase activity in serum and brain of Wistar rats' offspring
- 電磁界への出生前の慢性ばく露はWistarラットの仔の血清および脳におけるアデノシンデアミナーゼ活性を変調させる
- Mohammadi B, Sadegh M, Soleimani H
- Department of physiology and Medical physics, School of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- J Microw Power Electromagn Energy 2021: Online
- The Effect of Mobile Radiation on the Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Pregnant Mice.
- 妊娠マウスにおける酸化ストレスのバイオマーカーに対するモバイル放射の影響
- Moghadasi N, Alimohammadi I, Safari Variani A, Ashtarinezhad A
- Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- J Family Reprod Health 2021; 15 (3): 172-178
- No Significant Effects of Cellphone Electromagnetic Radiation on Mice Memory or Anxiety: Some Mixed Effects on Traumatic Brain Injured Mice.
- マウスの記憶または不安に対する携帯電話の電磁放射の有意な影響なし:外傷性脳損傷マウスに対する幾つかの複雑な影響
- Qubty D, Schreiber S, Rubovitch V, Boag A, Pick CG
- Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University(イスラエル)
- Neurotrauma Rep 2021; 2 (1): 381-390
- Temperature Dynamics in Rat Brains Exposed to Near-Field Waveguide Outputs at 2.8 GHz.
- 2.8 GHzの近傍界導波管出力にばく露されたラットの脳内の温度動態
- Payne JA, Barnes RA, Downey AX, Freeman DA, Johnson LR, Rodriguez RA, Sloan MA, Valdez CM, Voorhees WB, Whitmore JN
- Air Force Research Laboratory, 711th Human Performance Wing, Airman Systems Directorate, Bioeffects Division(米国)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2021: Online
- Radio-frequency exposure of the yellow fever mosquito (A. aegypti) from 2 to 240 GHz.
- ネッタイシマカ(A. aegypti)の2-240 GHzの高周波ばく露
- De Borre E, Joseph W, Aminzadeh R, Müller P, Boone MN, Josipovic I, Hashemizadeh S, Kuster N, Kühn S, Thielens A
- Ghent University - Imec, Department of Information Technology(ベルギー)
- PLoS Comput Biol 2021; 17 (10): e1009460