- Investigation of Electromagnetic Exposure of WPT Coil to Human Body Based on Biological Electromagnetic Safety Assessment.
- 生物学的電磁安全性評価に基づく人体へのWPT[ワイヤレス電力伝送]コイルの電磁ばく露の調査
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- Nanjing Normal University Taizhou College Taizhou(中国)
- Appl Comput Electromagn Soc J 2021; 36 (10): 1355-1366
- Effect of cell phone use on salivary components; a review of literature.
- 唾液成分に対する携帯電話使用の影響:文献のレビュー
- Arbabi Kalati F, Nosratzehi T
- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, School of Dentistry, Oral and Dental Diseases Research Center, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- J Complement Integr Med 2021: Online
- Does exposure to radiation emitted from mobile jammers influence the spatial memory?
- 携帯電話妨害装置から発せられる放射へのばく露は空間記憶に影響力を及ぼすか?
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- Lab Sciences Student, School of Medicine, Fasa University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- Int J Radiat Res 2021; 19 (4): 993-1000
- Effect of electromagnetic field on abortion: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- 流産に対する電磁界の影響:系統的レビューおよびメタ分析
- Ghazanfarpour M, Kashani ZA, Pakzad R, Abdi F, Rahnemaei FA, Akbari PA, Roozbeh N
- Kerman University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- Open Med 2021; 16 (1): 1628-1641
- The effects of different herbals on the rat hippocampus exposed to electromagnetic field for one hour during the prenatal period.
- 出生前の期間に1時間電磁界にばく露されたラット海馬に対する異なるハーブの影響
- Gülsüm Deniz Ö, Kaplan S
- Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University(トルコ)
- J Chem Neuroanat 2021: Online
- Evaluation of BCL2 and Its Regulatory MIRS, MIR-15-B and MIR-16 Expression Changes Under the Exposure of Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Human Gastric Cancer Cell Line.
- ヒト胃がん細胞株に対する超低周波電磁界下でのBCL2[B細胞リンパ腫2]とその調節MIRS[マイクロRNA]、MIR-15-BおよびMIR-16の発現の変化
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- Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University(イラン)
- Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2021: Online
- Electromagnetic field exposure-induced depression features could be alleviated by heat acclimation based on remodeling the gut microbiota.
- 電磁界ばく露によるうつ病の特徴は腸内細菌叢のリモデリングに基づく熱順応によって軽減できる
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- Department of Tropical Medicine, College of Military Preventive Medicine, Army Medical University(中国)
- Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2021; 228: 112980
- Occupational exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.
- 高周波電磁界への職業的ばく露
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- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment(オランダ)
- Ind Health 2021: Online
- Micronucleus Assay in Cell Phone Users: Importance of Oral Mucosa Screening.
- 携帯電話ユーザーにおける小核アッセイ:口腔粘膜スクリーニングの重要性
- Ghandehari M, Sadri D, Farhadi S
- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University(イラン)
- Int J Prev Med 2021; 12: 125
- Human resting-state EEG and radiofrequency GSM mobile phone exposure: The impact of the individual alpha frequency.
- ヒトの安静時EEG[脳電図]と高周波GSM携帯電話ばく露:個々のアルファ周波数のインパクト
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- Department of Experimental Toxicology and Modeling (TEAM), Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS)(フランス)
- Int J Radiat Biol 2021: Online
- Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards on Cellular Bioelectricity of Rats' Blood.
- ラットの血液の細胞生体電気に対する電磁放射のハザード
- Khalil AM
- Basic Sciences Department, Faculty of Engineering, Pharos University in Alexandria(エジプト)
- Arab J Nucl Sci Appl 2021; 54 (4): 1-8
- Effects of high intensity non-ionizing terahertz radiation on human skin fibroblasts.
- ヒト皮膚線維芽細胞に対する高強度非電離テラヘルツ放射の影響
- Sitnikov DS, Ilina IV, Revkova VA, Rodionov SA, Gurova SA, Shatalova RO, Kovalev AV, Ovchinnikov AV, Chefonov OV, Konoplyannikov MA, Kalsin VA, Baklaushev VP
- Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences(ロシア)
- Biomed Opt Express 2021; 12 (11): 7122-7138
- Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症と5G[第5世代移動通信]を含むワイヤレス通信からの高周波放射へのばく露とのつながりについての証拠
- Rubik B, Brown RR
- Department of Mind-Body Medicine, College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, Saybrook University(米国)
- J Clin Transl Res 2021; 7 (5): 666-681