

  • Psychological Drivers of Individual Differences in Risk Perception: A Systematic Case Study Focusing on 5G.
    Frey R
    Department of Psychology, Center for Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University of Basel(スイス)
    Psychol Sci 2021; 32 (10): 1592-1604
  • Complex Electromagnetic Issues Associated with the Use of Electric Vehicles in Urban Transportation.
    Gryz K, Karpowicz J, Zradziński P
    Laboratory of Electromagnetic Hazards, Central Institute for Labour Protection-National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB)(ポーランド)
    Sensors 2022; 22 (5): 1719
  • Computational modeling investigation of pulsed high peak power microwaves and the potential for traumatic brain injury.
    Dagro AM, Wilkerson JW, Thomas TP, Kalinosky BT, Payne JA
    U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground(米国)
    Sci Adv 2021; 7 (44): eabd8405
  • Exposure to 1800 MHz LTE electromagnetic fields under proinflammatory conditions decreases the response strength and increases the acoustic threshold of auditory cortical neurons.
    炎症誘発条件下での1800 MHz LTE電磁界へのばく露は聴覚皮質ニューロンの反応強度を低下させ、聴覚閾値を高める
    Souffi S, Lameth J, Gaucher Q, Arnaud-Cormos D, Lévêque P, Edeline JM, Mallat M
    Paris Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, Neuro-PSI, UMR 9197 CNRS, Université Paris-Sud(フランス)
    Sci Rep 2022; 12: 4063
  • Physiological changes and symptoms associated with short-term exposure to electromagnetic fields: a randomized crossover provocation study.
    Huang PC, Chiang JC, Cheng YY, Cheng TJ, Huang CY, Chuang YT, Hsu T, Guo HR
    Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University(台湾)
    Environ Health 2022; 21 (1): 31
  • Methodology for determining the threshold distance for estimating the main EM exposure contribution in WLAN.
    Fernandez M, Guerra D
    Communications Engineering Department, University of the Basque Country(スペイン)
    Eng Sci Technol 2022; 25: 10997
  • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity close to mobile phone base stations - a case study in Stockholm, Sweden.
    Hardell L, Koppel T
    The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation(スウェーデン)
    Rev Environ Health 2022: Online
  • Simultaneous effect of gamma and Wi-Fi radiation on gamma-H2AX expression in peripheral blood of rat: A radio-protection note.
    Khodamoradi E, Afrashi S, Khoshgard K, Fathi F, Shahasavari S, Azmoonfar R, Najafi M
    Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, School of Paramedical Sciences, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Biochem Biophys Rep 2022; 30: 101232
  • Electromagnetic bioeffects: a multiscale molecular simulation perspective.
    Noble BB, Todorova N, Yarovsky I
    School of Engineering, RMIT University(オーストラリア)
    Phys Chem Chem Phys 2022: Online
  • Changes in the excitability of primary hippocampal neurons following exposure to 3.0 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.
    3.0 GHz高周波電磁界へのばく露後の一次海馬ニューロンの興奮性の変化
    Echchgadda I, Cantu JC, Tolstykh GP, Butterworth JW, Payne JA, Ibey BL
    Air Force Research Laboratory, 711Th Human Performance Wing, Airman Systems Directorate, Bioeffects Division, Radio Frequency Bioeffects Branch(米国)
    Sci Rep 2022; 12: 3506
  • The role of the AC component in human perception of AC-DC hybrid electric fields.
    Jankowiak K, Kaifie A, Krampert T, Kraus T, Kursawe M
    Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Interaction (femu), Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen University(ドイツ)
    Sci Rep 2022; 12: 3391
  • Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields exposure during the prenatal and postnatal periods alters pro-inflammatory cytokines levels by gender.
    Ozturk H, Sarıbal D, Gelmez YM, Deniz G, Yilmaz A, Kirectepe A, Ercan AM
    Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Karadeniz Technical Unicersity(トルコ)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2022: Online
  • Assessment of Twin Fetal Exposure to Environmental Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields.
    Zhang C, Li C, Yang L, Hou W, Du M, Wu T, Chen W
    China Academy of Information and Communications Technology(中国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2022: Online
  • Progress in Understanding Radiofrequency Heating and Burn Injuries for Safer MR Imaging.
    Tang M, Yamamoto T
    Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University(日本)
    Magn Reson Med Sci 2022: Online
  • Assessment of Occupational Exposure Levels of Cleaning Product Manufacturing Factory Workers to Electromagnetic Fields.
    Cerezci O, Kanberoglu B, Yener SC
    Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Uskudar University(トルコ)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2022: Online
  • Monte Carlo Simulation of Clothed Skin Exposure to Electromagnetic Field With Oblique Incidence Angles at 60 GHz
    60 GHzで斜め入射角の電磁界への着衣の皮膚のばく露のモンテカルロシミュレーション
    Li K, Sasaki K
    Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa University(日本)
    Front Public Health 2022; 10: 795414
  • Associations Between a Polymorphism in the Rat 5-HT1A Receptor Gene Promoter Region (rs198585630) and Cognitive Alterations Induced by Microwave Exposure
    Li H, Gao Y, Zou Y, Qiao S, Zhi W, Ma L, Xu X, Zhao X, Zhang J, Wang L, Hu X
    Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine(中国)
    Front Public Health 2022; 10: 802386
  • Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Apoptosis: A Scoping Review of In Vitro Studies on Mammalian Cells.
    Romeo S, Zeni O, Scarfì MR, Poeta L, Lioi MB, Sannino A
    CNR, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA)(イタリア)
    Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23 (4): 2322
  • Comparing the Effects of Long-term Exposure to Extremely Low-frequency Electromagnetic Fields With Different Values on Learning, Memory, Anxiety, and beta-amyloid Deposition in Adult Rats.
    Faraji N, Salehi I, Alizadeh A, Pourgholaminejad A, Komaki A, Azandaryani MT, Sadeghian R, Golipoor Z
    Neurophysiology Research Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Basic Clin Neurosci 2021; 12 (6): 849-859
  • Molecular Mechanism of Malignant Transformation of Balb/c-3T3 Cells Induced by Long-Term Exposure to 1800 MHz Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation (RF-EMR).
    1800 MHz高周波電磁放射(RF-EMR)への長期ばく露によって誘発されるBalb/c-3T3細胞の悪性形質転換の分子メカニズム
    Ding Z, Xiang X, Li J, Wu S
    Department of Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital & Shenzhen Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College(中国)
    Bioengineering (Basel) 2022; 9 (2): 43
  • Stress-Reducing Effect of a 50 Hz Electric Field in Mice after Repeated Immobilizations, Electric Field Shields, and Polarization of the Electrodes.
    反復的な拘束、電界遮へい、電極の分極後のマウスにおける50 Hz電界のストレス低減効果
    Harakawa S, Nedachi T, Shinba T, Suzuki H
    Bio-Self-Regulating Science Laboratory, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine(日本)
    Biology (Basel) 2022; 11 (2): 323
  • Three Quarters of a Century of Research on RF Exposure Assessment and Dosimetry-What Have We Learned?
    Foster KR, Ziskin MC, Balzano Q
    Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania(米国)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022; 19 (4): 2067






