- 表示順 :
- 原題,
- 原題の和訳,
- 著者,
- 第一著者の所属(国名),
- 掲載誌
- Impact of Vestibular Stimulation at Powerline Frequency on Human Pointing Accuracy
- ヒトの指差し精度に対する電力周波数での前庭刺激の影響
- Bouisset N, Carvallo A, Dumur P, Ramdani S, Legros A
- Human Threshold Research Group, Lawson Health Research Institute(カナダ)
- IEEE Access 2022: Online
- ELF-MF Exposure, Actual and Perceived, and Associated Health Symptoms: A Case Study of an Office Building in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
- 実際の、および認知上のELF磁界ばく露、ならびに関連する健康症状:イスラエルのテルアビブにおけるオフィスビルの事例研究
- Raz-Steinkrycer LS, Dubnov J, Gelberg S, Jia P, Portnov BA
- Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, The Herta & Paul Amir Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Haifa(イスラエル)
- Sustainability 2022; 14 (17): 11065
- Assessment of Exposure to Time-Varying Magnetic Fields in Magnetic Resonance Environments Using Pocket Dosimeters
- ポケットドシメータを用いた磁気共鳴環境での時間変化する磁界へのばく露の評価
- Acri G, Anfuso C, Vermiglio G, Hartwig V
- Dipartimento di BIOMORF, Università degli Studi di Messina(イタリア)
- Electronics (Basel) 2022; 11 (17): 2796
- Assessment of SAR in Road-Users from 5G-V2X Vehicular Connectivity Based on Computational Simulations
- コンピュータシミュレーションに基づく5G-V2X車両接続からの道路利用者におけるSARの評価
- Bonato M, Tognola G, Benini M, Gallucci S, Chiaramello E, Fiocchi S, Parazzini M
- Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (IEIIT), CNR(イタリア)
- Sensors 2022; 22 (17): 6564
- Millimeter-Wave Induced Heating of Cutaneous Nerves and Capillaries
- 皮膚神経および毛細血管のミリ波誘導加熱
- Haider Z, Modolo J, Liberti M, Apollonio F, Zhadobov M
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, (Institut d'Électronique et des Technologies du numéRique), University of Rennes(フランス)
- IEEE J Microw 2022: Online
- Computation of Absorbed Power Densities in High-Resolution Head Models by Considering Skin Thickness in Quasi-Millimeter and Millimeter Wave Bands
- 準ミリ波およびミリ波帯での皮膚の厚さを考慮した高解像度頭部モデルにおける吸収電力密度の計算
- Taguchi K, Kodera S, Hirata A, Kashiwa T
- Kitami Institute of Technology(日本)
- IEEE J Electromagn RF Microw Med Biol 2022: Online
- IEEE Guide for the Definition of Incident Power Density to Correlate Surface Temperature Elevation guideline
- 表面温度上昇ガイドラインを相関させるための入射電力密度の定義についてのIEEEのガイド
- 著者の記載なし
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- 2021, IEEE Std 2889-2021: 1-152, ISBN 978-1-5044-8015-4
- Hsp72-Based Effect and Mechanism of Microwave Radiation-Induced Cardiac Injury in Rats
- ラットにおけるマイクロ波放射誘発性の心臓損傷のHsp72に基づく影響およびメカニズム
- Li D, Xu X, Gao Y, Wang J, Yin Y, Yao B, Zhao L, Wang H, Wang H, Dong J, Zhang J, Peng R
- Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine(中国)
- Oxid Med Cell Longev 2022; 2022: 7145415
- Genomic DNA damage induced by co-exposure to DNA damaging agents and pulsed magnetic field
- DNA損傷因子とパルス化磁界への共ばく露に誘発されるゲノムDNA損傷
- López-Díaz B, Mercado-Sáenz S, Burgos-Molina AM, González-Vidal A, Sendra-Portero F, Ruiz-Gómez MJ
- Departamento de Radiología y Medicina Física, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Málaga(スペイン)
- Int J Radiat Biol 2022: Online
- Investigation of Fetuin-A pathway in diabetes mellitus formation in rats exposed to elf magnetic fields
- ELF磁界にばく露したラットでの真性糖尿病形成におけるフェチュイン-A経路の調査
- Sert C, Delin M, Eren MA, Çakmak Y
- Department of Biophysics, Harran University Faculty of Medicine(トルコ)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2022: Online
- The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation Transmitted from Routers on Antibiotic Susceptibility of Bacterial Pathogens
- 病原性微生物の抗生物質感受性に対するルーターから発せられる電磁放射の影響
- Pegios A, Kavvadas D, Zarras K, Mpani K, Soukiouroglou P, Charalampidou S, Vagdatli E, Papamitsou T
- Pediatric Surgeon, Hippokratio General Hospital(ギリシャ)
- J Biomed Phys Eng 2022; 12 (4): 327-338
- Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Emitted from Mobile Phones and Wi-Fi Router on the Growth Rate and Susceptibility of Enterococcus faecalis to Antibiotics
- フェカリス菌の成長率および抗生物質への感受性に対する携帯電話およびWi-Fiルーターから発せられる高周波電磁界の影響
- Mortazavi SMJ, Taheri M, Paknahad M, Khandadash S
- Department of Medical Physics, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- J Biomed Phys Eng 2022; 12 (4): 387-394
- Investigation of oxidative damage, antioxidant balance, DNA repair genes, and apoptosis due to radiofrequency-induced adaptive response in mice
- マウスにおける高周波で誘発させた適応反応による酸化的損傷、抗酸化バランス、DNA修復遺伝子、およびアポトーシスの調査
- Kucukbagriacik Y, Dastouri M, Ozgur-Buyukatalay E, Akarca Dizakar O, Yegin K
- Department of Biophysics, Yozgat Bozok University, Medical School(トルコ)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2022: Online
- An In Vitro Experimental System for 5G 3.5 GHz Exposures
- 5Gの3.5GHzばく露用のイン・ビトロ実験装置
- Lee YS, Jeon SB, Pack JK, Kim N, Choi HD
- Radio & Satellite Research Division, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(韓国)
- IEEE Access 2022 [in press]
- 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuates Skin Melanogenesis In Vitro by Suppressing ROS Generation
- 5G電磁放射はROS産生を抑制することによりイン・ビトロでの皮膚のメラニン形成を軽減させる
- Kim K, Lee YS, Kim N, Choi HD, Lim KM
- College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University(韓国)
- Antioxidants 2022; 11 (8): 1449
- Exposure to static magnetic field facilitates selective attention and neuroplasticity in rats
- 静磁界へのばく露はラットにおける選択的注意および神経可塑性を促進する
- Wang T, Yasin N, Zubedat S, Loboda Y, Avital A, Schachter L, Finberg JPM
- Department of Neurobiology, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology(イスラエル)
- Brain Res Bull 2022; 189: 111-120
- Comparative study between radiofrequency-induced and muscimol-induced inhibition of cultured networks of cortical neuron
- 培養した皮質ニューロンのネットワークの高周波で誘導した抑制とムシモールで誘導した抑制との比較研究
- Lemercier CE, Garenne A, Poulletier de Gannes F, El Khoueiry C, Arnaud-Cormos D, Levêque P, Lagroye I, Percherancier Y, Lewis N
- Laboratoire de l'Intégration du Matériau au Système, CNRS UMR 5218, University of Bordeaux(フランス)
- PLoS One 2022; 17 (8): e0268605