

表示順 :
  • Survey of Delivery Outcomes for Employees at MR Imaging Facilities in Japan Based on Information Recorded in the Maternal and Child Health Handbook
    Yamaguchi-Sekino S, Kojimahara N
    Work Environment Research Group, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(日本)
    Magn Reson Med Sci 2022: Online
  • Hypomagnetic Field Exposure Affecting Gut Microbiota, Reactive Oxygen Species Levels, and Colonic Cell Proliferation in Mice
    Zhan A, Luo Y, Qin H, Lin W, Tian L
    Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2022: Online
  • Intermittent ELF-MF Induce an Amplitude-Window Effect on Umbilical Cord Blood Lymphocytes
    Zastko L, Makinistian L, Tvarožná A, Belyaev I
    Department of Radiobiology, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, University Science Park for Biomedicine(スロヴァキア)
    Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23 (22): 14391
  • Effect of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by Modern Cellphones on Sperm Motility and Viability: An In Vitro Study
    Chu KY, Khodamoradi K, Blachman-Braun R, Dullea A, Bidhan J, Campbell K, Zizzo J, Israeli J, Kim M, Petrella F, Ibrahim E, Ramasamy R
    Desai Sethi Urology Institute, University of Miami(米国)
    Eur Urol Focus 2022: Online
  • Electromagnetic radiations on the functional potential of spermatozoa
    Ranjitsingh AJA, Mathew EM, Dhasarathan P, Athinarayanan G
    Department of Biotechnology, Prathyusha Engineering College(インド)
    Res J Biotechnol 2022; 17 (10): 12-17
  • Impressions of the chronic 900-MHz electromagnetic field in the prenatal period on Purkinje cells in male rat pup cerebella: is it worth mentioning?
    雄ラットの仔の小脳のプルキンエ細胞に対する出生前の慢性的な900 MHz電磁界の印象:言及に値するか?
    Bas O, Sengul I, Bas OFM, Hanci H, Degermenci M, Sengul D, Altuntas E, Soztanaci US, Sonmez OF, Soares Junior JM
    Samsun University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy (トルコ)
    Rev Assoc Med Bras 2022; 68 (10): 1383-1388
  • Effects of radiofrequency field from 5G communications on the spatial memory and emotionality in mice
    Qin TZ, Wang X, Du JZ, Lin JJ, Xue YZ, Guo L, Lai PP, Jing YT, Zhang ZW, Ding GR
    Department of Radiation Protection Medicine, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Air Force Medical University(中国)
    Int J Environ Health Res 2022: Online
  • Static electric field exposure decreases white blood cell count in peripheral blood through activating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
    Wu J, Dong L, Xiang J, Di G
    Institute of Environmental Process, College of Environmental & Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University(中国)
    Int J Environ Health Res 2022: Online
  • A Pilot Study Evaluating the Feasibility of Testing for an Acute Impact of Human Exposure to a Power-line Frequency Magnetic Field on Blood Cortisol and Thyroid‐Stimulating Hormone
    Legros A, Corbacio M, Villard S, Souques M, Lambrozo J
    Bioelectromagnetics and Human Threshold Research Group, Imaging Department, Lawson Health Research Institute(カナダ)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2022; 43 (7): 399-403
  • Time-Weighted SAR in Rats for the Estimation of Practical RF Exposure in Reverberation Chambers
    Jeon S, Choi D, Kim SJ, Lee AK, Choi HD, Kim D
    Radio Technology Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)(韓国)
    IEEE Access 2022; 10: 122254-122260
  • Measuring 5G Electric Fields Strength With Software Defined Radios
    Minucci F, Verbruggen D, Sallouah H, Volski V, Vandenbosch G, Bovety G, Pollin S
    WaveCore, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven(ベルギー)
    IEEE Open J Commun Soc 2022; 3: 2258-2271
  • Temperature dependence of dielectric properties of blood at 10 Hz-100 MHz
    10 Hz-100 MHzでの血液の誘電特性の温度依存性
    Wang W, Li W, Liu B, Wang L, Li K, Wang Y, Ji Z, Xu C, Shi X
    Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Bioelectromagnetic Detection and Intelligent Perception, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Air Force Medical University(中国)
    Front Physiol 2022; 13: 1053233
  • Progress on Cutting-Edge Infrared-Terahertz Biophysics
    Wang P, Lou J, Fang G, Chang C
    Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国)
    IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 2022; 70 (11): 5117-5140
  • Histomorphometric Analysis of Chick Embryo Kidneys on Exposure to 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted from Cell Phone
    携帯電話から発せられた1800 MHzおよび2100 MHz高周波放射にばく露したニワトリ胚の腎臓の組織形態測定分析
    Dsilva MH, Swer RT, Anbalagan J
    Department of Anatomy, Zoram Medical College(インド)
    J Clin of Diagn Res 2022; 16 (10)
  • The effects of long-term prenatal exposure to 900, 1800, and 2100 MHz electromagnetic field radiation on myocardial tissue of rats
    ラットの心筋組織に対する900、1800、および2100 MHz電磁界放射への長期的な出生前のばく露の影響
    Bozok S, Karaagac E, Sener D, Akakin D, Tumkaya L
    Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Bakircay University Faculty of Medicine(トルコ)
    Toxicol Ind Health 2022: Online
  • A 50 Hz magnetic field influences the viability of breast cancer cells 96 h after exposure
    50 Hz磁界はばく露の96時間後の乳がん細胞の生存率に影響力を及ぼす
    Elexpuru-Zabaleta M, Lazzarini R, Tartaglione MF, Piva F, Ciarapica V, Marinelli Busilacchi E, Poloni A, Valentino M, Santarelli L, Bracci M
    Research Group on Foods, Nutritional Biochemistry and Health, Universidad Europea del Atlántico(スペイン)
    Mol Biol Rep 2022: Online
  • Changes in the histopathology and in the proteins related to the MAPK pathway in the brains of rats exposed to pre and postnatal radiofrequency radiation over four generations
    Tan B, Canturk Tan F, Yalcin B, Dasdag S, Yegin K, Yay AH
    Erciyes University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology(トルコ)
    J Chem Neuroanat 2022; 126: 102187






