

  • The protective effect of autophagy on mouse spermatocyte derived cells exposure to 1800MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.
    Liu K, Zhang G, Wang Z, Liu Y, Dong J, Dong X, Liu J, Cao J, Ao L, Zhang S
    Institute of Computing Medicine, Third Military Medical University(中国)
    Toxicol Lett 2014:電子版
  • Mobile phone radiation alters proliferation of hepatocarcinoma cells.
    Ozgur E, Guler G, Kismali G, Seyhan N
    Department of Biophysics and Gazi Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Center, Gazi University Medical Faculty(トルコ)
    Cell Biochem Biophys 2014:電子版
  • Comparison of blinding effectiveness between sham tDCS and placebo sertraline in a 6-week major depression randomized clinical trial.
    Brunoni AR, Schestatsky P, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM, Fregni F
    Center for Clinical and Epidemiological Research, University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo(ブラジル)
    Clin Neurophysiol 2014; 125 (2): 298 - 305
  • Expression of neurogranin in hippocampus of rat offspring exposed to restraint stress and pulsed magnetic fields.
    Li Q, Cheng D, Chen R, Cai Q, Jia N, Su Q, Zhang H, Zhu Z, Zeng J, Li H
    Division of Neonatology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Medical School of Xi'an Jiaotong University(中国)
    Brain Res 2014:電子版
  • Residential proximity to electromagnetic field sources and birth weight: minimizing residual confounding using multiple imputation and propensity score matching.
    de Vocht F, Lee B
    Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, The University of Manchester(英国)
    Environ Int 2014; 69 : 51 – 57
  • Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study.
    Coureau G, Bouvier G, Lebailly P, Fabbro-Peray P, Gruber A, Leffondre K, Guillamo JS, Loiseau H, Mathoulin-Pelissier S, Salamon R, Baldi I
    Laboratoire Santé Travail Environnement, Univ. Bordeaux(フランス)
    Occup Environ Med 2014:電子版
  • An ephaptic transmission model of CA3 pyramidal cells: an investigation into electric field effects.
    Wei X, Chen Y, Lu M, Deng B, Yu H, Wang J, Che Y, Han C
    School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University(中国)
    Cogn Neurodyn 2014; 8 (3): 177 - 197
  • Effects of extremely low frequency electric fields at different intensity and exposure duration on mismatch negativity.
    Gok DK, Akpinar D, Yargicoglu P, Ozen S, Aslan M, Demir N, Derin N, Agar A
    Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Akdeniz University(トルコ)
    Neuroscience 2014: 電子版
  • Effects of extremely low frequency electric fields at different intensity and exposure duration on mismatch negativity.
    Gok DK, Akpinar D, Yargicoglu P, Ozen S, Aslan M, Demir N, Derin N, Agar A
    Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Akdeniz University(トルコ)
    Neuroscience 2014: 電子版
  • Implantable cardioverter defibrillator during laser transurethral resection of the prostate.
    Deroee AF, Cohen BJ, O'Hara JF
    Department of Anesthesiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation(米国)
    Heart Lung Vessel 2014; 6 (1): 60 - 64
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation Reduces Mechanical Hyperalgesia and Restores Physical Activity Levels in Animals with Noninflammatory Muscle Pain in a Frequency-Dependent Manner.
    Gong W, Johanek LM, Sluka KA
    Department of Anesthesiology, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital(中国)
    Anesth Analg 2014:電子版 
  • Effect of strong electric field on conformational integrity of insulin.
    Wang X, Li Y, He X, Chen S, Zhang JZ
    State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, East China Normal University(中国)
    J Phys Chem A 2014: 電子版
  • Biochemical Modifications and Neuronal Damage in Brain of Young and Adult Rats After Long-Term Exposure to  Mobile Phone Radiations.
    Motawi TK, Darwish HA, Moustafa YM, Labib MM
    Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University(エジプト)
    Cell Biochem Biophys 2014: 電子版
  • Sensory biology: radio waves zap the biomagnetic compass.
    Kirschvink JL
    Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology(米国)
    Nature 2014: 509,296–297
  • Anthropogenic electromagnetic noise disrupts magnetic compass orientation in a migratory bird.
    Engels S, Schneider NL, Lefeldt N, Hein CM, Zapka M, Michalik A, Elbers D, Kittel A, Hore PJ, Mouritsen H
    Institut fur Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften, Universitat Oldenburg(ドイツ)
    Nature 2014: 509,353–356
  • MRI for patients with cardiac implantable electrical devices.
    Chow GV, Nazarian S
    Section for Cardiac Electrophysiology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine(米国)
    Cardiol Clin 2014; 32 (2): 299 – 304
  • Galvanotactic control of collective cell migration in epithelial monolayers.
    Cohen DJ, Nelson WJ, Maharbiz MM
    Joint Graduate Program in Bioengineering, University of California at Berkeley(米国)
    Nat Mater 2014; 13 (4): 409 – 417
  • Electromagnetic radiation (Wi-Fi) and epilepsy induce calcium entry and apoptosis through activation of TRPV1 channel in hippocampus and dorsal root ganglion of rats.
    Ghazizadeh V, Naziroglu M
    Neuroscience Research Center, University of Suleyman Demirel(トルコ)
    Metab Brain Dis 2014: 電子版
  • Effect of magnetic resonance imaging on core body temperature in anaesthetised children.
    Lo C, Ormond G, McDougall R, Sheppard S, Davidson A
    Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Royal Children's Hospital(オーストラリア)
    Anaesth Intensive Care 2014; 42 (3): 333 – 339
  • Accidental electrocution in pregnancy.
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    Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Clinical Center of Serbia(セルビア)
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2014: 電子版
  • Sphenopalatine ganglion stimulation for the treatment of cluster headache.
    Lainez MJ, Puche M, Garcia A, Gascon F
    Servicio de Neurologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario, Universidad Catolica de Valencia(スペイン)
    Ther Adv Neurol Disord 2014; 7 (3): 162 - 168
  • The effect of radiofrequency radiation generated by a Global System for Mobile Communications source on cochlear development in a rat model.
    Seckin E, Suren Basar F, Atmaca S, Kaymaz FF, Suzer A, Akar A, Sunan E, Koyuncu M
    Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Ondokuz Mayis University School of Medicine(トルコ)
    J Laryngol Otol. 2014 電子版
  • Survey of residential power-frequency magnetic fields in Melbourne, Australia.
    Karipidis KK
    Radiation Health Services Branch, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency(オーストラリア)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2014; 電子版
  • Experimental evidence for involvement of nitric oxide in low frequency magnetic field induced obsessive compulsive disorder-like behavior.
    Salunke BP, Umathe SN, Chavan JG
    Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University(インド)
    Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2014; 電子版
  • Nanometer-resolved radio-frequency absorption and heating in biomembrane hydration layers.
    Gekle S, Netz RR
    Fachbereich Physik, Universitat Bayreuth(ドイツ)
    J Phys Chem B 2014; 電子版
  • Genotoxic effects of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) reported by the REFLEX project are not reproducible.
    Speit G
    Universitat Ulm, Institut fur Humangenetik(ドイツ)
    Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 2014; 電子版
  • Whether or not the genotoxic effects of exposure to continuous wave (CW) radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) in HL-60 cells are reproducible, is still an open question.
    Adlkofer F
    REFLEX co-ordinator(オーストリア)
    Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 2014; 電子版
  • Cognitive control therapy and transcranial direct current stimulation for depression: a randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial.
    Brunoni AR, Boggio PS, De Raedt R, Bensenor IM, Lotufo PA, Namur V, Valiengo LC, Vanderhasselt MA
    Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Neuromodulation & Clinical, University Hospital, University of São Paulo(ブラジル)
    J Affect Disord 2014; 162 : 43 – 49
  • Validity of geographically modeled environmental exposure estimates.
    Chang ET, Adami HO, Bailey WH, Boffetta P, Krieger RI, Moolgavkar SH, Mandel JS
    Health Sciences Practice, Exponent, Inc.(米国)
    Crit Rev Toxicol 2014; 44 (5): 450 – 466
  • Inhibition of Salmonella Typhi growth using extremely low frequency electromagnetic (ELF-EM) waves at resonance frequency.
    Ali FM, Mohamed SA, Abdelbacki AM, El-Sharkawy AH
    Biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University(エジプト)
    J Appl Microbiol 2014: 電子版
  • Doxorubicin delivery enhanced by electroporation to gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma cells with P-gp overexpression.
    Kulbacka J, Daczewska M, Dubinska-Magiera M, Choromanska A, Rembialkowska N, Surowiak P, Kulbacki M, Kotulska M, Saczko J
    Department of Medical Biochemistry, Wroclaw Medical University(ポーランド)
    Bioelectrochemistry 2014: 電子版
  • Comment on Paolo et al. "Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial".
    Zhang S, Xiao L, Chen L, Lan X, Lan J
    Department of Pharmacy, Cangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine of Hebei Province(中国)
    Int Orthop 2014: 電子版
  • The effects of mobile phones on apoptosis in cerebral tissue: an experimental study on rats.
    Yilmaz A, Yilmaz N, Serarslan Y, Aras M, Altas M, Ozgur T, Sefil F
    Clinic of Neurosurgery Bayburt, Bayburt State Hospital(トルコ)
    Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2014; 18 (7): 992 - 1000
  • The effect of high voltage, high frequency pulsed electric field on slain ovine cortical bone.
    Asgarifar H, Oloyede A, Zare F
    School of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Queensland University of Technology(オーストラリア)
    J Med Signals Sens 2014; 4 (2): 113 – 121
  • Impedance Testing on Cochlear Implants After Electroconvulsive Therapy.
    McRackan TR, Rivas A, Hedley-Williams A, Raj V, Dietrich MS, Clark NK, Labadie RF
    Department of Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, Schools of Medicine and Nursing, Vanderbilt University(米国)
    J ECT 2014: 電子版
  • Electrical Stimulation Technologies for Wound Healing.
    Kloth LC
    Physical Therapy Department, College of Health Sciences, Marquette University(米国)
    Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle) 2014; 3 (2): 81 - 90
  • Assessment of MRI issues at 7 T for 28 implants and other objects.
    Dula AN, Virostko J, Shellock FG
    Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center(米国)
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 2014; 202 (2): 401 – 405
  • Improvement in quality of life in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with non-invasive extracorporeal radio-frequency in combination with chemoradiotherapy.
    Zhao C, Chen J, Yu B, Chen X
    Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Medicine, Jinan University(中国)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2014: 電子版
  • Adaptive response in animals exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields: some underlying mechanisms.
    Cao Y, Tong J
    School of Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University(中国)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11 (4): 4441 - 4448
  • Effects of 900 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation on Skin Hydroxyproline Contents.
    Cam ST, Seyhan N, Kavakli C, Celikbicak O
    Biophysics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University(トルコ)
    Cell Biochem Biophys 2014: 電子版






