

表示順 :
  • Analysis of global DNA methylation changes in human keratinocytes immediately following exposure to a 900 MHz radiofrequency field

    900 MHz高周波へのばく露後のヒトケラチノサイトのグローバルなDNAメチル化変化の分析
    Cantu JC, Butterworth JW, Peralta XG, Payne JA, Echchgadda I
    General Dynamics Information Technology, JBSA Fort Sam(米国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2023: Online

  • RF-EMF Exposure near 5G NR Small Cells

    5G NRスモールセルの近傍でのRF電磁界ばく露
    Aerts S, Deprez K, Verloock L, Olsen RG, Martens L, Tran P, Joseph W
    WAVES, Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/imec(ベルギー)
    Sensors 2023; 23 (6): 3145

  • Pre and postnatal exposure to 900 MHz electromagnetic fields induce inflammation and oxidative stress, and alter renin-angiotensin system components differently in male and female offsprings

    900 MHz電磁界への出生前および出生後のばく露は炎症および酸化ストレスを生じ、雌雄の仔において差異的にレニン‐アンギオテンシン系成分を変化させる
    Kilic A, Ustunova S, Bulut H, Meral I
    Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Bezmialem Vakif University(トルコ)
    Life Sci 2023; 321: 121627

  • Uncertainty quantification in the assessment of human exposure to pulsed or multi-frequency fields

    Giaccone L
    Dipartimento Energia "G. Ferraris", Politecnico di Torino(イタリア)
    Phys Med Biol 2023: Online

  • Evaluation of Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields from Smart Utility Meters operating at 868 MHz

    868 MHzで動作するスマートユーティリティメーターからの高周波電磁界へのばく露の評価
    Addison D, Calderon C, Peyman A
    Radiation Dosimetry Department, UK Health Security Agency, Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards(英国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2023: Online

  • Protective role of hispolon and its derivatives against apoptosis in cortical neurons induced by electromagnetic radiation from 4G mobile phone

    Saka VP, Chitra V, Narayanasamy D
    Department of Pharmacology, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRMIST(インド)
    J Biochem Mol Toxicol 2023: Online

  • Cellular and molecular effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields

    Lai H, Levitt BB
    Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle(米国)
    Rev Environ Health 2023: Online

  • The need for consensus guidelines to address the mixed legacy of genetic damage assessments for radiofrequency fields

    Vijayalaxmi, Foster KR
    Department of Radiology, University of Texas Health Science Center(米国)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2023: Online

  • Overhead AC powerlines and rain can alter the electric charge distribution on airborne particles - Implications for aerosol dispersion and lung deposition

    Wright MD, Buckley AJ, Matthews JC, Shallcross DE, Henshaw DL
    H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol(英国)
    Environ Res 2023: Online

  • RF-induced heating for active implantable medical devices in dual parallel leads configurations at 1.5 T MRI

    1.5 T MRI でのデュアルパラレルリード構成の能動的植込み型医療機器の高周波誘起加熱
    Hu W, Guo R, Wang Q, Zheng J, Tsang J, Kainz W, Long S, Chen J
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston(米国)
    Magn Reson Med 2023: Online

  • Behavioral and functional assessment of mice inner ear after chronic exposure to an ultrahigh B0 field of 11.7 T or 17.2 T

    11.7 T または 17.2 T の超高B0磁界への慢性ばく露後のマウス内耳の行動学的および機能的評価
    Le Ster C, Selingue E, Poirier R, Edeline JM, Mériaux S, Boulant N
    University of Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS, BAOBAB, NeuroSpin(フランス)
    Magn Reson Med 2023: Online






