

表示順 :
  • Effects of mobile phone electromagnetic radiation on thyroid glands and hormones in Rattus norvegicus brain: An analysis of thyroid function, reactive oxygen species, and monocarboxylate transporter 8

    Zufry H, Rudijanto A, Soeatmadji DW, Sakti SP, Munadi K, Sujuti H, Mintaroem K
    Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya(インドネシア)
    J Adv Pharm Technol Res 2023; 14 (2): 63-68

  • Numerical Assessment of Human EMF Exposure to Collocated and Distributed Massive MIMO Deployments in an Industrial Indoor Environment

    産業用屋内環境における併置型および分散型Massive MIMO展開に対するヒトの電磁界ばく露の数値評価
    Shikhantsov S, Thielens A, Vermeeren G, Demeester P, Martens L, Joseph W
    Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/IMEC(ベルギー)
    IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat 2023: Online

  • Electromagnetic field exposure to human head model with various metal objects at sub-6 GHz frequencies

    各種の金属物体を装着したヒト頭部モデルへの6 GHz未満の周波数の電磁界ばく露
    İl N, Ateş K, Özen Ş
    Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Akdeniz University(トルコ)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2023: Online

  • Residential exposure to magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines and risk of childhood leukemia

    Malagoli C, Malavolti M, Wise LA, Balboni E, Fabbi S, Teggi S, Palazzi G, Cellini M, Poli M, Zanichelli P, Notari B, Cherubini A, Vinceti M, Filippini T
    Environmental, Genetic and Nutritional Epidemiology Research Center (CREAGEN), Section of Public Health, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia(イタリア)
    Environ Res 2023: 116320

  • Numerical and Analytical Analysis of the Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Generated by Three-Phase Underground Power Cables with Solid Bonding

    Lunca E, Vornicu S, Sălceanu A
    Department of Electrical Measurements and Materials, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi(ルーマニア)
    Appl Sci 2023; 13 (10): 6328

  • Evaluation of DNA Methylation Profiles of LINE-1, Alu and Ribosomal DNA Repeats in Human Cell Lines Exposed to Radiofrequency Radiation

    高周波放射にばく露したヒト細胞株における LINE-1、Alu、およびリボソームDNA反復領域のDNAメチル化プロファイルの評価
    Ravaioli F, Bacalini MG, Giuliani C, Pellegrini C, D'Silva C, De Fanti S, Pirazzini C, Giorgi G, Del Re B
    IRCCS Istituto Delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna(イタリア)
    Int J Mol Sci 2023; 24 (11): 9380

  • Assessment of Children's Exposure to Intelligent Transport System 5.9 GHz Vehicular Connectivity Using Numerical Dosimetry

    数値ドシメトリを用いた高度道路交通システムの5.9 GHz車両コネクティビティへの子どものばく露の評価
    Benini M, Parazzini M, Bonato M, Gallucci S, Chiaramello E, Fiocchi S, Tognola G
    Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano(イタリア)
    Sensors 2023; 23 (11): 5170

  • The effect of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on spatial memory of mice and rats: A systematic review

    Abkhezr H, Mohaddes G, Nikniaz Z, Farhangi MA, Heydari H, Nikniaz L
    Student Research Committee, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Learn Motiv 2023; 81: 101873

  • Estimation of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Magnetic Fields around Overhead Power Lines-A Case Study

    Pavel I, Petrescu C, David V, Lunca E
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi(ルーマニア)
    Mathematics 2023; 11 (10): 2292

  • Analysis of the spatial distribution and comparison of the levels of radiofrequency pollution in Sri Lanka's two most populous cities

    Suraweera SATUWK, Jayaratne KPSC
    Department of Physics, University of Colombo(スリランカ)
    Environ Monit Assess 2023; 195 (7): 839






