

表示順 :
  • Influence of Electromagnetic Field with Frequency of 50 Hz in form of Doses on Selected Biochemical Markers of Honey Bee

    ミツバチの選択された生化学マーカーに対するばく露量の形での周波数50 Hzの電磁界の影響力
    Plotnik M, Bieńkowski P, Berbeć E, Murawska A, Latarowski K, Migdał P
    Department of Environment Hygiene and Animal Welfare, Wroclaw University ofEnvironmental and Life Sciences(ポーランド)
    J Apic Sci 2023; 67 (1): 27-36

  • Effects of anthropogenic magnetic fields on the behavior of a major predator of the intertidal and subtidal zones, the velvet crab Necora puber

    潮間帯および亜潮間帯の主な捕食者であるビロードガニ Necora puber の行動に対する人為的磁界の影響
    Albert L, Olivier F, Jolivet A, Chauvaud L, Chauvaud S
    TBM Environnement, Auray, France; Université de Brest, Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin (LEMAR - UMR 6539 CNRS, UBO, IRD, IFREMER), LIA BeBEST, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer(フランス)
    Mar Environ Res 2023; 190: 106106

  • A primary study on rat fetal development and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels under the control of electromagnetic fields

    DastAmooz S, Broujeni ST, Sarahian N
    Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong(中国)
    J Public Health Afr 2023; 14 (6): 2347

  • Quantitative proteomics reveals effects of environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on embryonic neural stem cells

    An G, Jing Y, Zhao T, Zhang W, Guo L, Guo J, Miao X, Xing J, Li J, Liu J, Ding G
    Department of Radiation Protection Medicine, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Hazard Assessment and Control in Special Operational Environment, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Air Force Medical University(中国)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2023: Online

  • Biothermal Heating on Human Skin by Millimeter and Sub-Terahertz Waves in Outdoor Environment-A Theoretical Study

    Wei M, Li P, Lei Y, Bao X, Ma J
    School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology(中国)
    Appl Sci 2023; 13 (14): 8305

  • AC Induction Conductive Suit—A New Way of Protecting Linemen in the Vicinity of Energized Parts

    Ramirez-Bettoni E, Nemeth B
    Xcel Energy(米国)
    IEEE Trans Ind Appl 2023; 59 (4): 5169-5177

  • Effect of WiFi signal exposure in utero and early life on neurodevelopment and behaviors of rats

    Wu H, Min D, Sun B, Ma Y, Chen H, Wu J, Ren P, Wu J, Cao Y, Zhao B, Wang P
    Department of Nursing, Harbin Medical University(中国)
    Environ Sci Pollut Res 2023: Online

  • Assessment of the Variability of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Arising from 5.9 GHz Vehicular Communication in Urban Environments

    都市環境における5.9 GHzの車両通信から生じる高周波電磁界へのヒトのばく露のばらつきの評価
    Tognola G, Benini M, Bonato M, Gallucci S, Parazzini M
    Cnr-Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni (CNR-IEIIT)(イタリア)
    Sensors 2023; 23 (15): 6802

  • Metformin Ameliorates 2.856 GHz Microwave- Radiation-Induced Reproductive Impairments in Male Rats via Inhibition of Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis

    メトホルミンは酸化ストレスとアポトーシスの阻害により雄ラットの2.856 GHzマイクロ波放射誘発性の生殖障害を改善する
    Men J, Zhang L, Peng R, Li Y, Li M, Wang H, Zhao L, Zhang J, Wang H, Xu X, Dong J, Wang J, Yao B, Guo J
    PLA Center for Disease Control and Prevention(中国)
    Int J Mol Sci 2023; 24 (15): 12250

  •   Body Feature Intercomparison of Specific Absorption Rate Induced by High-Power, Portable, and Broadband Electromagnetic Sources [Bioelectromagnetics]

    Canicattì E, Brizi D, Masi A, Fontana N, Monorchio A
    Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa(イタリア)
    IEEE Antennas Propag Mag 2023; 65 (4): 79-89

  •   Safety Assessment and Uncertainty Quantification of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phones to the Human Head

    Yi M, Wu B, Zhao Y, Su T, Chi Y
    College of Electrical Engineering, Automation Jilin Jianzhu University(中国)
    Appl Sci 2023; 13 (14): 8107

  •   Interaction of Millimetre Waves Used in 5G Network with Cells and Tissues of Head-and-Neck Region: A Literature Review

    Dagli N, Dagli R, Thangavelu L
    Center for Transdisciplinary Research, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences(インド)
    Adv Hum Biol 2023; 13 (2): 168-176






