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- The possible protective role of vitamin C on rat parotid gland exposed to mobile phone radiation
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Department of Histology and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Helwan University(Egypt)
Eur J Anat 2024; 28 (3): 283-296
- (In)accuracy and convergent validity of daily end-of-day and single-time self-reported estimations of smartphone use among adolescents
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Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society, Masaryk University(Czech Republic)
Comput Human Behav 2024; 158: 108281
- Do non-ionizing radiation concerns affect people's choice between hybrid and traditional cars?
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The Department of Environment, Planning & Sustainability, Bar Ilan University(Israel)
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- Summary of seven Swedish case reports on the microwave syndrome associated with 5G radiofrequency radiation
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The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation(Sweden)
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- Smartphone-Based Methodology Applied to Electromagnetic Field Exposure Assessment
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Department of Signal Theory and Communications, University of Alcala(Spain)
Sensors 2024; 24 (11): 3561
- Prospective cohort study on non-specific symptoms, cognitive, behavioral, sleep and mental health in relation to electronic media use and transportation noise among adolescents (HERMES): study protocol
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Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute(Switzerland)
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- Under the Hood of Electromagnetic Field Estimation and Evaluation in 5G Networks
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IEEE Access 2024; 12: 88357-88369
- 50 Hz magnetic field influences caspase-3 activity and cell cycle distribution in ionizing radiation exposed SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells
50 Hz磁界は電離放射線にばく露したSH-SY5Y神経芽細胞腫細胞のカスパーゼ-3活性および細胞周期分布に影響力を及ぼす
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Int J Radiat Biol 2024; Online