

  • Facilitative effects of bi-hemispheric tDCS in cognitive deficits of Parkinson disease patients.
    Leite J, Goncalves OF, Carvalho S
    Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford(英国)
    Med Hypotheses 2014; 82 (2): 138-140
  • Electric Signals Regulate Directional Migration of Ventral Midbrain Derived Dopaminergic Neural Progenitor Cells via Wnt/GSK3beta signaling.
    Liu J, Zhu B, Zhang G, Wang J, Tian W, Ju G, Wei X, Song B
    Laboratory Animal Center, China Medical University(中国)
    Exp Neurol 2014; Online
  • Impact of input data uncertainty on environmental exposure assessment models: A case study for electromagnetic field modelling from mobile phone base stations.
    Beekhuizen J, Heuvelink GB, Huss A, Burgi A, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R
    Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Division Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht University(オランダ)
    Environ Res 2014; 135: 148-155
  • Analysis of the influence of handset phone position on RF exposure of brain tissue.
    脳組織のRF ばく露に対する受話器位置の影響の分析
    Ghanmi A, Varsier N, Hadjem A, Conil E, Picon O, Wiart J
    Bioelectromagnetics 2014; Online
    Environ Res 2014; 135: 148-155
  • Mobile telephone use effects on perception of verticality.
    Bamiou DE, Ceranic B, Vickers D, Zamyslowska-Szmytke E, Cox R, Chadwick P, Luxon LM
    University College London Ear Institute(イギリス)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2014; Online
  • Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Induce Developmental Toxicity and Apoptosis in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos.
    Liu X, Liu K, Miao W, Zhou C, Wu H
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(中国)
    Biol Trace Elem Res 2014; Online
  • Electric field sensing and imaging by noninvasive parallel-plate sensor.
    Tsuchiya M, Shiozawa T, Harakawa S
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(日本)
    IEICE Electronics Express 2014; 11 (18): 20140745
  • Are combined same-day treatments the future for photorejuvenation? Review of the literature of combined treatments with lasers, intense pulsed light, radiofrequency, botulinum toxin and fillers for rejuvenation.
    Cuerda-Galindo E, Palomar-Gallego MA, Linares-GarciaValdecasas R
    Department of Human Anatomy and Embriology, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos(スペイン)
    J Cosmet Laser Ther 2014; Online
  • Effects of Millimeter-Wave Electromagnetic Exposure on the Morphology and Function of Human Cryopreserved Spermatozoa.
    Volkova NA, Pavlovich EV, Gapon AA, Nikolov OT
    Institute of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(ウクライナ)
    Bull Exp Biol Med 2014; Online
  • A reverberation chamber for rodents' exposure to wideband radiofrequency electromagnetic fields with different small-scale fading distributions.
    Li C, Yang L, Lu B, Xie Y, Wu T
    China Academy of Telecommunication Research of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(中国)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2014; Online
  • Effects of GSM-modulated 900 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the hematopoietic potential of mouse bone marrow cells.
    Rosado MM, Nasta F, Prisco MG, Lovisolo GA, Marino C, Pioli C
    Immunology Area, IRCSS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu(イタリア)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2014; Online
  • Using noninvasive brain stimulation to accelerate learning and enhance human performance.
    Parasuraman R, McKinley RA
    George Mason University(米国)
    Hum Factors 2014; 56 (5): 816-824
  • Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation in children with dystonia: a sham-controlled study.
    Young SJ, Bertucco M, Sanger TD
    Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California(米国)
    J Child Neurol 2014; 29 (2): 232-239
  • The electromagnetic interference of mobile phones on the function of a gamma-camera.
    Javadi H, Azizmohammadi Z, Mahmoud Pashazadeh A, Neshandar Asli I, Moazzeni T, Baharfar N, Shafiei B, Nabipour I, Assadi M
    Golestan Research Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Golestan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Clin Nucl Med 2014; 39(3): 232-236
  • Non-invasive cerebellar stimulation - a consensus paper.
    Grimaldi G, Argyropoulos GP, Boehringer A, Celnik P, Edwards MJ, Ferrucci R, Galea JM, Groiss SJ, Hiraoka K, Kassavetis P, Lesage E, Manto M, Miall RC, Priori A, Sadnicka A, Ugawa Y, Ziemann U
    Unite d'Etude du Mouvement, Hopital Erasme-ULB(ベルギー)
    Cerebellum 2014; 13(1): 121-138
  • Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the cortical motor areas in three cases of cerebellar ataxia.
    Pozzi NG, Minafra B, Zangaglia R, De Marzi R, Sandrini G, Priori A, Pacchetti C
    Unita Operativa Parkinson e Disordini del Movimento, Istituto Neurologico Nazionale C(イタリア)
    Cerebellum 2014; 13(1): 109-112
  • Something to talk about: enhancement of linguistic cohesion through tdCS in chronic non fluent aphasia.
    Marangolo P, Fiori V, Campana S, Calpagnano MA, Razzano C, Caltagirone C, Marini A
    Facolta di Medicina, Universita Politecnica Marche(イタリア)
    Neuropsychologia 2014; 53: 246-256
  • Inhibition of cellular proliferation and enhancement of hydrogen peroxide production in fibrosarcoma cell line by weak radio frequency magnetic fields.
    Castello PR, Hill I, Sivo F, Portelli L, Barnes F, Usselman R, Martino CF
    Institute of Chemistry and Biological Physical Chemistry, Universidad de Buenos Aires(アルゼンチン)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2014; Online
  • Epidemiology of meningiomas.
    Baldi I, Engelhardt J, Bonnet C, Bauchet L, Berteaud E, Gruber A, Loiseau H
    Laboratoire sante travail et environnement, universite de Bordeaux 2, hopital Pellegrin(フランス)
    Neurochirurgie 2014; Online
  • A new problem in inflammatory bladder diseases: Use of mobile phones!
    Koca O, Gokce AM, Akyuz M, Ercan F, Yurdakul N, Karaman MI
    Department of Urology, Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital(トルコ)
    Int Braz J Urol 2014; 40 (4): 520-525
  • The Effects of N-acetyl-L-cysteine and Epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Liver Tissue Protein Oxidation and Antioxidant Enzyme Levels After the Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.
    Ozgur E, Sahin D, Tomruk A, Guler G, Sepici-Dincel A, Altan N, Seyhan N
    Aylin Sepici Dincel, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, University of Gazi(トルコ)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2014; Online
  • Does exposure to GSM 900 MHz mobile phone radiation affect short-term memory of elementary school students?
    Movvahedi MM, Tavakkoli-Golpayegani A, Mortazavi SA, Haghani M, Razi Z, Shojaie-Fard MB, Zare M, Mina E, Mansourabadi L, Nazari-Jahromi, Safari A, Shokrpour N, Mortazavi SM
    Department of Medical Physics, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    J Pediatr Neurosci 2014; 9 (2): 121-124
  • Effects of Early-Onset Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure (GSM 900 MHz) on Behavior and Memory in Rats.
    Klose M, Grote K, Spathmann O, Streckert J, Clemens M, Hansen VW, Lerchl A
    School of Engineering and Science, Jacobs University Bremen(ドイツ)
    Radiat Res 2014; Online
  • Effect of ELF-EMF Exposure on Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line: a Proteomics Analysis.
    Hasanzadeh H, Rezaie-Tavirani M, Seyyedi SS, Zali H, Heydari Keshel S, Jadidi M, Abedelahi A
    Dept. of Medical Physics, Semnan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Iran J Cancer Prev 2014 7 (1): 22-27
  • Time domain dielectric spectroscopy of nanosecond pulsed electric field induced changes in dielectric properties of pig whole blood.
    Zhuang J, Kolb JF
    Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology(ドイツ)
    Bioelectrochemistry 2014; Online
  • Electromagnetic Fields Mediate Efficient Cell Reprogramming into The Pluripotent State.
    Baek S, Quan X, Kim SC, Lengner C, Park JK, Kim J
    Laboratory of Stem Cells and Cell Reprogramming, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dongguk University(韓国)
    ACS Nano 2014; Online
  • Caudal Epidural of Pulsed Radiofrequency in Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN); Report of Three Cases.
    Rohof OJ
    Pain Clinic, Orbis Medical Center(オランダ)
    Anesth Pain Med 2014; 4 (3): e16369
  • Association between video display terminal use and dry eye disease in school children.
    Moon JH, Lee MY, Moon NJ
    Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University(韓国)
    J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2014; 51 (2): 87-92
  • The clinical experience and efficacy of bipolar radiofrequency with fractional photothermolysis for aged Asian skin.
    Akita H, Sasaki R, Yokoyama Y, Negishi K, Matsunaga K
    Department of Dermatology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine(日本)
    Exp Dermatol 2014; 23: 37-42
  • The Biological Effects of Quadripolar Radiofrequency Sequential Application: A Human Experimental Study.
    Nicoletti G, Icaro Cornaglia A, Faga A, Scevola S
    Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Clinical Surgical Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia(イタリア)
    Photomed Laser Surg 2014; Online
  • Dose-remission of pulsating electromagnetic fields as augmentation in therapy-resistant depression: a randomized, double-blind controlled study.
    Straaso B, Lauritzen L, Lunde M, Vinberg M, Lindberg L, Larsen ER, Dissing S, Bech P
    Psychiatric Research Unit,Psychiatric Centre North Zealand,Copenhagen University Hospital(デンマーク)
    Acta Neuropsychiatr 2014; 26 (5): 272-279
  • Sensory perceptions of individuals exposed to the static field of a 7T MRI: A controlled blinded study.
    7T MRIの静磁界にばく露した個人における感覚認知
    Friebe B, Wollrab A, Thormann M, Fischbach K, Ricke J, Grueschow M, Kropf S, Fischbach F, Speck O
    Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg(ドイツ)
    J Magn Reson Imaging 2014; Online
  • Effect of electromagnetic irradiation produced by 3G mobile phone on male rat reproductive system in a simulated scenario.
    Kumar S, Nirala JP, Behari J, Paulraj R
    Bioelectromagnetics Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University(インド)
    Indian J Exp Biol 2014; 52 (9): 890-897
  • Effect of an Intermediate-Frequency Magnetic Field of 23 kHz at 2 mT on Chemotaxis and Phagocytosis in Neutrophil-Like Differentiated Human HL-60 Cells.
    Koyama S, Narita E, Shinohara N, Miyakoshi J
    Laboratory of Applied Radio Engineering for Humanosphere, Kyoto University(日本)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11 (9): 9649-9659
  • Determination of Measurement Points in Urban Environments for Assessment of Maximum Exposure to EMF Associated with a Base Station.
    Linhares A, Soares AJM, Terada MAB
    Antenna Group, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Brasilia(ブラジル)
    Int J Antennas and Propagation 2014; Online
  • Two interlaboratory comparison programs on EMF measurements performed in Greece.
    Nicolopoulou EP, Gonos IF, Stathopulos IA, Karabetsos E
    Nat. Tech. Univ. of Athens(ギリシャ)
    IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine 2012; 1 (2): 50-59
  • Occupational exposure to magnetic fields and electric shocks and risk of ALS: The Swiss National Cohort.
    Huss A, Spoerri A, Egger M, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R
    Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University(オランダ)
    Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener 2014; Online
  • Temperature- and frequency-dependent dielectric properties of biological tissues within the temperature and frequency ranges typically used for magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound surgery.
    Fu F, Xin SX, Chen W
    Biomedical Engineering School, Southern Medical University(中国)
    Int J Hyperthermia 2014; 30 (1): 56-65
  • Simultaneous exposure to MRI-related static and low-frequency movement-induced time-varying magnetic fields affects neurocognitive performance: A double-blind randomized crossover study.
    van Nierop LE, Slottje P, van Zandvoort M, Kromhout H
    Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Division of Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht University(オランダ)
    Magn Reson Med 2014; Online
  • A computational modelling study of transcranial direct current stimulation montages used in depression.
    Bai S, Dokos S, Ho KA, Loo C
    Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of New South Wales(オーストラリア)
    Neuroimage 2014; 87: 332-344
  • Computational modeling of transcranial direct current stimulation in the child brain: implications for the treatment of refractory childhood focal epilepsy.
    Parazzini M, Fiocchi S, Liorni I, Priori A, Ravazzani P
    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria, dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni(イタリア)
    Int J Neural Syst 2014; 24 (2): 1430006-1-1430006-10
  • Alternating Electric Fields (Tumor Treating Fields Therapy) Can Improve Chemotherapy Treatment Efficacy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Both in vitro and in vivo.
    Giladi M, Weinberg U, Schneiderman RS, Porat Y, Munster M, Voloshin T, Blatt R, Cahal S, Itzhaki A, Onn A, Kirson ED, Palti Y
    Novocure Ltd.(イスラエル)
    Semin Oncol 2014; Online
  • EMF Monitoring-Concepts, Activities, Gaps and Options.
    Durrenberger G, Frohlich J, Rosli M, Mattsson MO
    Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity and Mobile Communication(スイス)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11 (9): 9460-9479
  • A compact theory of magnetic nerve stimulation: predicting how to aim.
    Babbs CF
    Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University(米国)
    Biomed Eng Online 2014; 13: 53
  • Treatment of facial post-burn hyperpigmentation using micro-plasma radiofrequency technology.
    Wang LZ, Ding JP, Yang MY, Chen DW, Chen B
    Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College(中国)
    Lasers Med Sci 2014; Online
  • International and national expert group evaluations: biological/health effects of radiofrequency fields.
    Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi MR
    Department of Radiology, University of Texas Health Science Center(米国)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11 (9): 9376-9408
  • Increased apoptosis and DNA double-strand breaks in the embryonic mouse brain in response to very low-dose X-rays but not 50 Hz magnetic fields.
    Saha S, Woodbine L, Haines J, Coster M, Ricket N, Barazzuol L, Ainsbury E, Sienkiewicz Z, Jeggo P
    Genome Damage and Stability Centre, Life Sciences, University of Sussex(イギリス)
    J R Soc Interface 2014; 11 (100): Online






