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  • Interference of GSM mobile phones with communication between Cardiac Rhythm Management devices and programmers: A combined in vivo and in vitro study.
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  • Effect of cell phone use on salivary total protein, enzymes and oxidative stress markers in young adults: a pilot study.
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  • Analysis on the Effect of the Distances and Inclination Angles between Human Head and Mobile Phone on SAR.
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  • Electroporation of DC-3F Cells Is a Dual Process.
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  • Increasing rates of brain tumours in the Swedish national inpatient register and the causes of death register.
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  • Dose-Dependent ATP Depletion and Cancer Cell Death following Calcium Electroporation, Relative Effect of Calcium Concentration and Electric Field Strength.
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  • An interlaboratory comparison program on ELF electric and magnetic fields measurements performed in Greece: Second round of the scheme.
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  • Magnetic Field Exposure Assessment in Electric Vehicles.
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  • Simple closed-form formulae to estimate near fields in living tissue layers due to dipole antenna exposure.
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  • A Review of Commonly Used DC Arc Models.
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  • Electrical Safety, Electrical Hazards & the 2018 NFPA 70E, Time to Update Annex K ?
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  • Occupational electromagnetic fields exposure in magnetic resonance imaging systems - preliminary results for the RF harmonic content.
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  • Pulsed radiofrequency treatment of articular branches of femoral and obturator nerves for chronic hip pain.
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  • Biomarkers in volunteers exposed to mobile phone radiation.
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  • Do physical exercise and reading reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease? a cross-sectional study on factors associated with Parkinson's disease in elderly Chinese veterans.
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  • Electromagnetic field versus circuit weight training on bone mineral density in elderly women.
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  • Electromagnetic field versus circuit weight training on bone mineral density in elderly women.
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  • Effects of chronic exposure to electromagnetic waves on the auditory system.
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  • Do signals of a hand-held TETRA transmitter affect cognitive performance, well-being, mood or somatic complaints in healthy young men? Results of a randomized double-blind cross-over provocation study.
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  • Early Use of 60 Hz Frequency Subthalamic Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease: A Case Series and Review.
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  • Non-chemotoxic induction of cancer cell death using magnetic nanowires.
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  • Assessment of foetal exposure to the homogeneous magnetic field harmonic spectrum generated by electricity transmission and distribution networks.
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  • Low frequency magnetic field therapy in patients with cytostatic-induced polyneuropathy: A phase II pilot study.
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  • Femoral perfusion after pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation in a steroid-induced osteonecrosis model.
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  • Increased Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) by Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to High Voltage Power Lines: A Case Control Study in Isfahan, Iran.
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  • The effects of prenatal long-duration exposure to 900-MHz electromagnetic field on the 21-day-old newborn male rat liver.
    21日齢の新生仔雄ラットの肝臓に対する900 MHz電磁界への出生前の長時間ばく露の影響
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  • Exposure to 50 Hz electric fields reduces stress-induced glucocorticoid levels in BALB/c mice in a kV/m- and duration-dependent manner.
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  • Incidence of Seminoma Cancer in Staffs that Worked in Electromagnetic Waves Station; Three Cases Report.
    電波基地局で作業するスタッフにおける精上皮腫の発生: 3つの症例報告
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    Iran J Cancer Prev 2015: 8 (1): 66 – 68






