

  • 1950 MHz Electromagnetic Fields Ameliorate Abeta Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease Mice.
    Jeong YJ, Kang GY, Kwon JH, Choi HD, Pack JK, Kim N, Lee YS, Lee HJ
    Division of Radiation Effects, Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences(韓国)
    Curr Alzheimer Res 2015; 12 (5): 481 – 492
  • Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Evaluation of Textile Antennas.
    Soh P, Vandenbosch G, Wee F, van den Bosch A, Martinez-Vazquez M, Schreurs D
    ESAT-TELEMIC Research Div.(ベルギー)
    IEEE Ant Prop Mag 2015; 57 (2): 229 – 240
  • Cognition and sensation in very high static magnetic fields: a randomized case-crossover study with different field strengths.
    Heinrich A, Szostek A, Meyer P, Nees F, Rauschenberg J, Grobner J, Gilles M, Paslakis G, Deuschle M, Semmler W, Flor H
    Department of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Central Institute of Mental Health, Heidelberg University(ドイツ)
    Radiology 2013; 266 (1): 236 - 245
  • Adverse events and discomfort during magnetic resonance imaging in cochlear implant recipients.
    Kim BG, Kim JW, Park JJ, Kim SH, Kim HN, Choi JY
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine(韓国)
    JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2015; 141 (1): 45 – 52
  • Magnetic resonance imaging in cochlear implant recipients: pros and cons.
    Kanal E
    Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center(米国)
    JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2015; 141 (1): 52 – 53
  • Effects of Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Exposure at Different Frequency and Duration on the Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: in Vitro and in Vivo Study.
    Hei WH, Byun SH, Kim JS, Kim S, Seo YK, Park JC, Kim SM, Jahng JW, Lee JH
    Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University(韓国)
    Int J Neurosci 2015; Online
  • Development of an RF-EMF Exposure Surrogate for Epidemiologic Research.
    Roser K, Schoeni A, Burgi A, Roosli M
    University of Basel(スイス)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015; 12 (5): 5634 - 5656
  • Could Magnetic Fields Affect the Circadian Clock Function of Cryptochromes? Testing the Basic Premise of the Cryptochrome Hypothesis (ELF Magnetic Fields).
    Vanderstraeten J, Burda H, Verschaeve L, de Brouwer C
    Research Center on Environmental Health and Work Health, School of Public Health, Université Libre de Bruxelles(ベルギー)
    Health Phys 2015; 109 (1): 84 - 89
  • A three-dimensional point process model for the spatial distribution of disease occurrence in relation to an exposure source.
    Grell K, Diggle PJ, Frederiksen K, Schuz J, Cardis E, Andersen PK
    Unit of Statistics, Bioinformatics and Registry, Danish Cancer Society Research Center(デンマーク)
    Stat Med 2015; Online
  • Estimating magnetic fields of homes near transmission lines in the California Power Line Study.
    Vergara XP, Kavet R, Crespi CM, Hooper C, Michael Silva J, Kheifets L
    Electric Power Research Institute, Environment Sector(米国)
    Environ Res 2015; 140: 514 - 523
  • Preliminary background indoor EMF measurements in Greece.
    Kottou S, Nikolopoulos D, Yannakopoulos PH, Vogiannis E, Petraki E, Panagiotaras D, Koulougliotis D
    Medical School, University of Athens(ギリシャ)
    Phys Med 2015; Online
  • Is magnetic resonance imaging of human brain is harmful?
    Meilikhov EZ
    NRC "Kurchatov Institute"(ロシア)
    Med Hypotheses 2015; Online
  • Modulation of cell function by electric field: a high-resolution analysis.
    Taghian T, Narmoneva DA, Kogan AB
    Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati(米国)
    J R Soc Interface 2015; 12 (107): Online
  • Electric Blanket (EB) Use and Risk of Thyroid Cancer in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Observational Cohort.
    Kato I, Young A, Liu J, Abrams J, Bock C, Simon M
    Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati(米国)
    Department of Oncology and Pathology , Wayne State University(米国)
  • Impact of the Static and Radiofrequency Magnetic Fields Produced by a 7T MR Imager on Metallic Dental Materials.
    金属製歯科材料に対する7T MR画像装置の静磁界および無線周波磁界の影響
    Oriso K, Kobayashi T, Sasaki M, Uwano I, Kihara H, Kondo H
    Department of Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology, Iwate Medical University(日本)
    Magn Reson Med Sci 2015; Online
  • In vitro exposure: Linear and non-linear thermodynamic events in Petri dishes.
    Paffi A, Liberti M, Apollonio F, Sheppard A, Balzano Q
    ICEmB (Italian Interuniversity Center Electromagnetic Field and Biosystems) at "La Sapienza", University of Rome(イタリア)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2015; Online
  • Regional Variation of Gap Junction Conductance on Reentrant Arrhythmia.
    Priya PK, Reddy MR
    Indian Institute of Technology(インド)
    Biomed Sci Instrum 2015; 51: 281 - 288
  • Radio Hazard Safety Assessment for Marine Ship Transmitters: Measurements Using a New Data Collection Method and Comparison with ICNIRP and ARPANSA Limits.
    Halgamuge MN
    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne(オーストラリア)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015; 12 (5): 5338 – 5354
  • Pulse-dose radiofrequency can reduce chronic pain in trapezio-metacarpal osteoarthritis: A mini-invasive therapeutic approach.
    Masala S, Fiori R, Raguso M, Calabria E, Cuzzolino A, Fusco A, Simonetti G
    Masala S, Fiori R, Raguso M, Calabria E, Cuzzolino A, Fusco A, Simonetti G
    Department of Diagnostic and Molecular Imaging, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"(イタリア)
    Int J Rheum Dis 2015; Online
  • Skin burn after single session of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).
    Wang J, Wei Y, Wen J, Li X
    Department of Neurobiology and Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Capital Medical University(中国)
    Brain Stimul 2015; 8 (1): 165 – 166
  • Cellular and molecular changes to cortical neurons following low intensity repetitive magnetic stimulation at different frequencies.
    Grehl S, Viola HM, Fuller-Carter PI, Carter KW, Dunlop SA, Hool LC, Sherrard RM, Rodger J
    School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia(オーストラリア)
    Brain Stimul 2015; 8 (1): 114 - 123
  • Safe MRI Scanning in Patients Implanted with an Upgraded (Conditional) ICD: The Beneficial Tip of a Troublesome Iceberg.
    Moss AJ, Kutyifa V
    Heart Research Follow-up Program of the Cardiology Division of the Department of Medicine in the University of Rochester Medical Center(米国)
    J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; Online
  • Full-Body MRI Scanning in Patients with an ICD: Primary results of the randomized Evera MRI Study.
    ICD装着患者の全身MRIスキャン:無作為化Evera MRI研究の主要な結果
    Gold MR, Sommer T, Schwitter J, Al Fagih A, Albert T, Merkely B, Peterson M, Ciuffo A, Lee S, Landborg L, Cerkvenik J, Kanal E
    Medical University of South Carolina(米国)
    J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; Online
  • Acute and subchronic toxicity of 20 kHz and 60 kHz magnetic fields in rats.
    ラットにおける20 kHzから60 kHzの磁界の急性および亜慢性の毒性
    Nishimura I, Oshima A, Shibuya K, Mitani T, Negishi T
    Environmental Science Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry(日本)
    J Appl Toxicol 2015; Online
  • Can prenatal exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field affect the morphology of the spleen and thymus, and alter biomarkers of oxidative damage in 21-day-old male rats?
    900 MHzの電磁界への出生前ばく露は21日齢の雄ラットの脾臓および胸腺の形態への影響、酸化的損傷のバイオマーカの変化を生じさせるか?
    Hanci H, Turedi S, Topal Z, Mercantepe T, Bozkurt I, Kaya H, Ersoz S, Unal B, Odaci E
    Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University(トルコ)
    Biotech Histochem 2015; Online
  • Measurement of the weighted peak level for occupational exposure to gradient magnetic fields for 1.5 and 3 Tesla MRI body scanners.
    Bonutti F, Tecchio M, Maieron M, Trevisan D, Negro C, Calligaris F
    Medical Physics Department, Academic Hospital S.Maria della Misericordia(イタリア)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2015; Online
  • Feasibility of measuring thermoregulation during RF heating of the human calf muscle using MR based methods.
    Simonis FF, Petersen ET, Lagendijk JJ, van den Berg CA
    Department of Radiotherapy, Imaging Division, University Medical Center Utrecht(オランダ)
    Magn Reson Med 2015; Online
  • Spontaneous Magnetic Alignment by Yearling Snapping Turtles: Rapid Association of Radio Frequency Dependent Pattern of Magnetic Input with Novel Surroundings.
    Landler L, Painter MS, Youmans PW, Hopkins WA, Phillips JB
    Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech(米国)
    PLoS One 2015; 10 (5): e0124728-1 - e0124728-13
  • Occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and electrical shocks and acute myeloid leukemia in four Nordic countries.
    Talibov M, Guxens M, Pukkala E, Huss A, Kromhout H, Slottje P, Martinsen JI, Kjaerheim K, Sparen P, Weiderpass E, Tryggvadottir L, Uuksulainen S, Vermeulen R
    School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere(フィンランド)
    Cancer Causes Control 2015; Online
  • Association between mobile phone use and self-reported well-being in children: a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study in Chongqing, China.
    Zheng F, Gao P, He M, Li M, Tan J, Chen D, Zhou Z, Yu Z, Zhang L
    Department of Occupational Health, Key Laboratory of Medical Protection for Electromagnetic Radiation, Third Military Medical University(中国)
    BMJ Open 2015; 5 (5): e007302-1 - e007302-8
  • Investigation of effects of short-term exposure to 50 Hz magnetic field on central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems in rats.
    Elmas O, Comlekci S
    Department of Physiology, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Medicine(トルコ)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2015; Online
  • Occupational exposures to radiofrequency fields: results of an Israeli national survey.
    Hareuveny R, Kavet R, Shachar A, Margaliot M, Kheifets L
    Soreq Nuclear Research Center(イスラエル)
    J Radiol Prot 2015; 35 (2): 429 – 445
  • No Dynamic Changes in Blood-brain Barrier Permeability Occur in Developing Rats During Local Cortex Exposure to Microwaves.
    Masuda H, Hirota S, Ushiyama A, Hirata A, Arima T, Kawai H, Wake K, Watanabe S, Taki M, Nagai A, Ohkubo C
    Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University(日本)
    In Vivo 2015; 29 (3): 351 – 357
  • Improvement of Spatial Memory Disorder and Hippocampal Damage by Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields in an Alzheimer's Disease Rat Model.
    Liu X, Zuo H, Wang D, Peng R, Song T, Wang S, Xu X, Gao Y, Li Y, Wang L, Zhao L
    Department of Experimental Pathology, Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine(中国)
    PLoS One 2015; 10 (5): e0126963-1 - e0126963-14
  • Assessment of levels of occupational exposure to workers in radiofrequency fields of two television stations in Accra, Ghana.
    Osei S, Amoako JK, Fletcher JJ
    Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission(ガーナ)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2015; Online






