- Compact Personal Distributed Wearable Exposimeter.
- 小型の分散化装着型個人ばく露計
- Vanveerdeghem P, Van Torre P, Thielens A, Knockaert J, Joseph W, Rogier H
- Department of Information Technology, iMinds/Ghent University(ベルギー)
- IEEE Sensors Journal 2015: 15 (8): 4393 - 4401
- Effectiveness of safe working procedure on SMF exposure levels and work performances in 3 T MRI system operations.
- 3T MRIシステム操作におけるSMFばく露レベルおよび作業効率への安全作業手順の有効性
- Yamaguchi-Sekino S, Sekino M, Nakai T
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(日本)
- IEEE Trans Magn 2015: Online
- Osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells on poly(l-lactide)/ Fe3O4 nanofibers with static magnetic field exposure.
- 静磁界ばく露したポリL-ラクチド/Fe3O4ナノファイバ上でのMC3T3-E1細胞の骨形成分化
- Cai Q, Shi Y, Shan D, Jia W, Duan S, Deng X, Yang X
- State Key Laboratory of Organic-inorganic Composites, Beijing University of Chemical Technology(中国)
- Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl 2015: 55: 166 - 173
- How to prepare head tissue-equivalent liquids for SAR calculations, dosimetry and hyperthermia researches at 900 and 1800 MHz GSM frequencies.
- 900および1800MHzのGSM周波数でのSAR計算、ドシメトリ、ハイパサーミア研究用の頭部組織等価液の調整方法
- Sorgucu U, Develi I, Ozen S
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bartin University(トルコ)
- Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2015: Online
- Coexisting and mixing phenomena of thermoacoustic and magnetoacoustic waves in water.
- 水中での熱音響および磁気音響の共存および混合現象
- Feng X, Gao F, Kishor R, Zheng Y
- School of Electrical &Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University(シンガポール)
- Sci Rep 2015: 5: 11489
- A novel method to assess human population exposure induced by a wireless cellular network.
- 無線セルラーネットワークによるヒト集団のばく露評価の新しい方法
- Varsier N, Plets D, Corre Y, Vermeeren G, Joseph W, Aerts S, Martens L, Wiart J
- Orange Labs(フランス)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2015: Online
- What is the optimal anodal electrode position for inducing corticomotor excitability changes in transcranial direct current stimulation?
- 経頭蓋直流電流刺激において皮質運動野の興奮性変化の誘導に最適な陽極の位置はどこか?
- Lee M, Kim YH, Im CH, Kim JH, Park CH, Chang WH, Lee A
- Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Science and Technology, Sungkyunkwan University(韓国)
- Neurosci Lett 2015: 584: 347 - 350
- Photokinesis is magnetic field dependent in the multicellular magnetotactic prokaryote Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis.
- 多細胞走磁性原核生物Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularisの光活動性は磁気依存的である
- de Azevedo LV, Acosta-Avalos D
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas(ブラジル)
- Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 2015: Online
- Influence of electronic apex locators and a gutta-percha heating device on implanted cardiac devices: an in vivo study.
- 植込み型心臓装置への根管長測定器およびガッタパーチャ加温装置の影響
- Moraes AP, Silva EJ, Lamas CC, Portugal PH, Neves AA
- Escola de Ciencias da Saúde, Universidade do Grande Rio(ブラジル)
- Int Endod J 2015: Online
- Radiofrequency-shielding effect of a titanium mesh implanted for cranioplasty.
- 頭蓋形成用に植え込まれたチタンメッシュの無線周波遮蔽効果
- Takatsu Y, Yamamura K, Miyati T, Kyotani K, Kimura T, Yamatani Y
- Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University(日本)
- Magn Reson Med Sci 2015: Online
- Public exposure from indoor radiofrequency radiation in the city of Hebron, West Bank-Palestine.
- パレスチナのヨルダン川西岸地区のヘブロン市での屋内無線周波放射による公衆のばく露
- Lahham A, Sharabati A, ALMasri H
- Center for Radiation Science & Technology, Al-Quds University(エルサレム)
- Health Phys 2015: 109 (2): 117 – 121
- Vestibular stimulation by magnetic fields.
- 磁界による前庭の刺激
- Ward BK, Roberts DC, Della Santina CC, Carey JP, Zee DS
- Department of Otolaryngology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine(アメリカ)
- Ann N Y Acad Sci 2015: 1343: 69 – 79
- Magnetic fields suppress Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms and enhance ciprofloxacin activity.
- 磁界は緑膿菌のバイオフィルムを抑制し、シプロフロキサシンの活性を増強する
- Bandara HM, Nguyen D, Mogarala S, Osinski M, Smyth HD
- College of Pharmacy , The University of Texas at Austin(アメリカ)
- Biofouling 2015: 31 (5): 443 – 457
- Constructal thermodynamics combined with infrared experiments to evaluate temperature differences in cells.
- 細胞内の温度差を評価するための赤外線と組み合わせた構造的熱力学
- Lucia U, Grazzini G, Montrucchio B, Grisolia G, Borchiellini R, Gervino G, Castagnoli C, Ponzetto A, Silvagno F
- Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino(イタリア)
- Sci Rep 2015: 5: 11587
- The synergic effect of glycyrrhizic acid and low frequency electromagnetic field on angiogenesis in chick chorioallantoic membrane.
- ニワトリ絨毛尿膜での血管新生に対するグリチルリチン酸と低周波電磁界の相乗効果
- Majidian Eydgahi S, Baharara J, Zafar Balanezhad S, Asadi Samani M
- Research Center for Animal Development, Applied Biology & Biology Department, Islamic Azad University(イラン)
- Avicenna J Phytomed 2015: 5 (3): 174 - 181
- Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves.
- 水と電磁波によるDNA情報の伝達
- Montagnier L, Del Giudice E, Aissa J, Lavallee C, Motschwiller S, Capolupo A, Polcari A, Romano P, Tedeschi A, Vitiello G
- World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention (UNESCO)(フランス)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2015: 34 (2): 106 – 112
- Influence of electromagnetic field on soliton-mediated charge transport in biological systems.
- 生体におけるソリトン介在性の電荷移動に対する電磁界の影響
- Brizhik L
- Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics(ウクライナ)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2015: 34 (2): 123 - 132
- The trail from quantum electro dynamics to informative medicine.
- 量子電磁力学から有益な医学への道
- Foletti A, Ledda M, Grimaldi S, D'Emilia E, Giuliani L, Liboff A, Lisi A
- Institute of Translational Pharmacology, National Research Council(イタリア)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2015: 34 (2): 147 - 150
- Work-related factors associated with occupational exposure to static magnetic stray fields from MRI scanners.
- MRIスキャナからの浮遊静磁界への職業ばく露に関連する作業上の要因
- Schaap K, Christopher-De Vries Y, Cambron-Goulet E, Kromhout H
- Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Division of Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht University(オランダ)
- Magn Reson Med 2015: Online
- Pituitary tumor risk in relation to mobile phone use: A case-control study.
- 携帯電話の使用に関連した下垂体腫瘍のリスク:症例対照研究
- Shrestha M, Raitanen J, Salminen T, Lahkola A, Auvinen A
- School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere(フィンランド)
- Acta Oncol 2015: Online
- Magnetosensitive neurons mediate geomagnetic orientation in Caenorhabditis elegans..
- 磁気感受性ニューロンは線虫の地磁気オリエンテーションを仲介する
- Vidal-Gadea A, Ward K, Beron C, Ghorashian N, Gokce S, Russell J, Truong N, Parikh A, Gadea O, Ben-Yakar A, Pierce-Shimomura J
- School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University(アメリカ)
- Elife 2015: 4: Online
- Influence of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the right angular gyrus on brain activity during rest.
- 安静時の脳活動に対する右角回上方の陽極性経頭蓋直流電流刺激(tDCS)の影響
- Clemens B, Jung S, Mingoia G, Weyer D, Domahs F, Willmes K
- Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Medical School, RWTH Aachen University(ドイツ)
- PLoS One 2014: 9 (4): e95984-1 - e95984-14
- International policy and advisory response regarding children's exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF).
- 無線周波電磁界(RF-EMF)への小児のばく露に関する国際的な政策および助言的回答
- Redmayne M
- Population Health Research on Electromagnetic Energy, Monash University(オーストラリア)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2015: Online
- Exposure to static magnetic fields and risk of accidents among a cohort of workers from a medical imaging device manufacturing facility.
- 医用画像装置製造工場の労働者コホートにおける静磁界ばく露と事故のリスク
- RedmayBongers S, Slottje P, Portengen L, Kromhout Hne M
- Environmental Epidemiology Division, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University(オランダ)
- Magn Reson Med 2015: Online
- Association between extracellular signal-regulated kinase expression and the anti-allodynic effect in rats with spared nerve injury by applying immediate pulsed radiofrequency.
- 神経部分損傷されたラットにおける短時間パルス無線周波の照射による細胞外シグナル制御キナーゼ発現と抗アロディニア作用との関連
- Yeh CC, Wu ZF, Chen JC, Wong CS, Huang CJ, Wang JS, Chien CC
- School of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University(台湾)
- BMC Anesthesiol 2015: 15: 92-1 - 92-8
- 18 GHz electromagnetic field induces permeability of Gram-positive cocci.
- 18 GHzの電磁界によるグラム陽性球菌での透過性の誘導
- Nguyen TH, Shamis Y, Croft RJ, Wood A, McIntosh RL, Crawford RJ, Ivanova EP
- School of Science, Swinburne University of Technology(オーストラリア)
- Sci Rep 2015: 5: 10980-1 - 10980-11
- Cell Phone Generated Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Effects on the Locomotor Behaviors of the Fishes Poecilia reticulata and Danio rerio.
- 携帯電話が発生する無線周波電磁界によるグッピーおよびゼブラフィッシュの移動行動への影響
- Lee D, Lee J, Lee I
- Institute of Physics, Nankai University(中国)
- Int J Radiat Biol 2015: Online
- Calcium signalling in human neutrophil cell lines is not affected by low-frequency electromagnetic fields.
- ヒト好中球細胞株のカルシウムシグナル伝達は低周波電磁界に影響されない
- Golbach LA, Philippi JG, Cuppen JJ, Savelkoul HF, Verburg-van Kemenade BM
- Cell Biology and Immunology Group, Wageningen University(オランダ)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2015: Online