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    Vanderhasselt MA, De Raedt R, Namur V, Lotufo PA, Bensenor IM, Boggio PS, Brunoni AR
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  • Impact of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the testicular inflammatory pathway biomarkers in young rats: the role of gallic acid.
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  • Neuron matters: electric activation of neuronal tissue is dependent on the interaction between the neuron and the electric field.
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  • Effect of the interindividual variability on computational modeling of transcranial direct current stimulation.
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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni(イタリア)
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  • Chronic exposure to static magnetic fields from magnetic resonance imaging devices deserves screening for osteoporosis and vitamin D levels: a rat model.
    Gungor HR, Akkaya S, Ok N, Yorukoglu A, Yorukoglu C, Kiter E, Oguz EO, Keskin N, Mete GA
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  • An adverse electrophysiological interaction between an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and a ventricular assist device.
    Chhabra L, Hiendlmayr B, Kluger J
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  • Differential viability response of prokaryotes and eukaryotes to high strength pulsed magnetic stimuli.
    Boda SK, Ravikumar K, Saini DK, Basu B
    Laboratory for Biomaterials, Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science(インド)
    Bioelectrochemistry 2015: Online
  • Exposure to 3G mobile phone signals does not affect the biological features of brain tumor cells.
    Liu YX, Li GQ, Fu XP, Xue JH, Ji SP, Zhang ZW, Zhang Y, Li AM
    Department of Neurosurgery, First Affiliated Hospital of PLA General Hospital(中国)
    BMC Public Health 2015: 15 (1): 764
  • Are Fassier-Duval rods at risk of migration in patients undergoing spine magnetic resonance imaging?
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    Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shriners Hospital for Children, Montreal Children Hospital, McGill University(カナダ)
    J Pediatr Orthop 2015: 35 (3): 323 – 327
  • MR safety issues particular to women.
    Ciet P, Litmanovich DE
    Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center(米国)
    Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 2015: 23 (1): 59 – 67
  • Computational Modeling of Subdural Cortical Stimulation: A Quantitative Spatiotemporal Analysis of Action Potential Initiation in a High-Density Multicompartment Model.
    Kudela P, Anderson WS
    Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine(米国)
    Neuromodulation 2015: Online
  • Gamma radiation and magnetic field mediated delay in effect of accelerated ageing of soybean.
    Kumar M, Singh B, Ahuja S, Dahuja A, Anand A
    Division of Plant Physiology, IARI(インド)
    J Food Sci Technol 2015: 52 (8): 4785 – 4796
  • Plasma levels of soluble TNF receptors 1 and 2 after tDCS and sertraline treatment in major depression: results from the SELECT-TDCS trial.
    Brunoni AR, Machado-Vieira R, Sampaio-Junior B, Vieira EL, Valiengo L, Bensenor IM, Lotufo PA, Carvalho AF, Cho HJ, Gattaz WF, Teixeira AL
    Center for Clinical and Epidemiological Research & Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Neuromodulation, University Hospital, University of Sao Paul(ブラジル)
    J Affect Disord 2015: 185: 209 - 213
  • Effect of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on cell proliferation and gene expression.
    Lee HC, Hong MN, Jung SH, Kim BC, Suh YJ, Ko YG, Lee YS, Lee BY, Cho YG, Myung SH, Lee JS
    Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine, Inha University(韓国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2015: Online
  • Deleterious impacts of a 900 MHz electromagnetic field on hippocampal pyramidal neurons of 8-week-old Sprague Dawley male rats.
    8週齢のSprague Dawley雄ラットの海馬錐体ニューロンに対する900MHz電磁界の有害な影響
    Sahin A, Aslan A, Bas O, Ikinci A, Ozyilmaz C, Fikret Sonmez O, Colakoglu S, Odaci E
    Department of Physiology, Ordu University, Faculty of Medicine(トルコ)
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  • Does radio frequency radiation induce micronuclei frequency in exfoliated bladder cells of diabetic rats?
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    Medical Faculty of Gazi University, Laboratory Animal Breeding and Experimental Research Center(トルコ)
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  • Electromagnetic radiation at 900 MHz induces sperm apoptosis through bcl-2, bax and caspase-3 signaling pathways in rats.
    900 MHz電磁放射はラットにbcl-2、baxおよびカスパーゼ3シグナル伝達経路を介して精子細胞アポトーシスを誘導する
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  • Enhancement of cortical network activity in vitro and promotion of GABAergic neurogenesis by stimulation with an electromagnetic field with a 150 MHz carrier wave pulsed with an alternating 10 and 16 Hz modulation.
    150 MHz搬送波を10または16Hzでパルス変調した電磁界の刺激によるイン・ビトロでの皮質ネットワーク活動の強化およびGABA作動性神経新生の促進
    Gramowski-Voss A, Schwertle HJ, Pielka AM, Schultz L, Steder A, Jugelt K, Axmann J, Pries W
    Division of Electrophysiology, NeuroProof GmbH(ドイツ)
    Front Neurol 2015: 6: 158
  • Statistical analysis of electromagnetic radiation measurements in the vicinity of GSM/UMTS base station installed on buildings in Serbia.
    Koprivica M, Slavkovic V, Neskovic N, Neskovic A
    Radiocommunications Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade(セルビア)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2015: Online
  • Safety in simultaneous EEG - fMRI at 3 T: temperature measurements.
    EEGと3T fMRI法の同時使用の安全性:温度測定
    Kuusela L, Turunen S, Valanne L, Sipila O
    HUS Medical Imaging Center, Helsinki University Central Hospital(フィンランド)
    Acta Radiol 2015: 56 (6): 739 - 745
  • Using software-modified smartphones to validate self-reported mobile phone use in young people: a pilot study.
    Goedhart G, Vrijheid M, Wiart J, Hours M, Kromhout H, Cardis E, Eastman Langer C, de Llobet Viladoms P, Massardier-Pilonchery A, Vermeulen R
    Department of Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht University, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences(オランダ)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2015: Online
  • Examination of virtual phantoms with respect to their possible use in assessing compliance with the electromagnetic field exposure limits specified by Directive 2013/35/EU.
    Zradzinski P
    Central Institute for Labour Protection, National Research Institut(ポーランド)
    Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2015: 28 (5): 781 - 792
  • Exposure perception as a key indicator of risk perception and acceptance of sources of radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
    Freudenstein F, Wiedemann PM, Brown TW
    Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(ドイツ)
    J Environ Public Health 2015: 198272
  • Extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) exposure sensitizes SH-SY5Y cells to the pro-Parkinson's disease toxin MPP.
    Benassi B, Filomeni G, Montagna C, Merla C, Lopresto V, Pinto R, Marino C, Consales C
    Health Protection Technology Division, ENEA-Casaccia(イタリア)
    Mol Neurobiol 2015: Online
  • Efficacy and safety evaluation of systemic extremely low frequency magnetic fields used in the healing of diabetic foot ulcers: phase II data.
    Canedo-Dorantes L, Soenksen LR, Garcia-Sanchez C, Trejo-Nunez D, Perez-Chavez F, Guerrero A, Cardona-Vicario M, Garcia-Lara C, Colli-Magana D, Serrano-Luna G, Angeles Chimal JS, Cabrera G
    Department of Postgraduate Medicine, School of Medicine, Autonomous University of Morelos(メキシコ)
    Arch Med Res 2015: Online
  • Exposure to static electric fields leads to changes in biogenic amine levels in the brains of Drosophila.
    Newland PL, Al Ghamdi MS, Sharkh S, Aonuma H, Jackson CW
    Centre for Biological Sciences, University of Southampton(英国)
    Proc Biol Sci 2015: 282 (1812): Online






