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  • Effect of cell phone-like electromagnetic radiation on primary human thyroid cells.
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  • Early applied electric field stimulation attenuates secondary apoptotic responses and exerts neuroprotective effects in acute spinal cord injury of rats.
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  • Mobile phone radiation: physiological & pathophysiologcal considerations.
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  • Different methods for evaluating the effects of microwave radiation exposure on the nervous system.
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  • Electromagnetic field and brain development.
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  • Reply to comment of Sage et al. on SCENIHR's opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.
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  • Can the accuracy of home blood glucose monitors be affected by the received signal strength of 900 MHz GSM mobile phones?
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  • Electrohypersensitivity: a functional impairment due to an inaccessible environment.
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  • Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder.
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  • Is electromagnetic hypersensitivity entirely ascribable to nocebo effects?
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  • On the thermal effect induced in tissue samples exposed to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field.
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  • Preliminary Upper Estimate of Peak Currents in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at Distant Locations from a TMS Coil.
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  • Potential therapeutic mechanism of extremely low-frequency high-voltage electric fields in cells.
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  • Absence of acute ocular damage in humans after prolonged exposure to intense RF EMF.
    高強度のRF EMFへの長期ばく露後の人体に急性の眼の損傷なし
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  • Instruments to assess and measure personal and environmental radiofrequency-electromagnetic field exposures.
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  • Study of microwave effects on the lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis.
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  • Effect of Constant Magnetic Field (CMF) on anaerobic digestion of algal biomass.
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  • Personal exposure to static and time-varying magnetic fields during MRI procedures in clinical practice in the UK.
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  • Effect of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on amalgam, composite and zirconomer based restorations.
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  • Pulse-Dose Radiofrequency in Athletic Pubalgia: Preliminary Results.
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  • Wetting and dewetting of narrow hydrophobic channels by orthogonal electric fields: Structure, free energy, and dynamics for different water models.
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  • A coil system for real-time magnetic fluid hyperthermia microscopy studies.
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  • Analysis of personal and bedroom exposure to ELF-MFs in children in Italy and Switzerland.
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  • Occupational exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields does not alter responses of inflammatory genes and activation of splenic lymphocytes in mice.
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  • Electromagnetic effects in medicinal chemistry.
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  • Mobile phone base stations and well-being - A meta-analysis.
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  • Controversies on electromagnetic field exposure and the nervous systems of children.
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  • MRI scanning in patients with new and existing CapSureFix Novus 5076 pacemaker leads: randomized trial results.
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  • Genomic instability induced by 50Hz magnetic fields is a dynamically evolving process not blocked by antioxidant treatment.
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  • Low intensity magnetic field influences short-term memory: A study in a group of healthy students.
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  • Pulsed electric field increases reproduction.
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  • Fundamental mathematical model shows that applied electrical field enhances chemotherapy delivery to tumors.
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  • Electrophysiological effects of non-invasive Radio Electric Asymmetric Conveyor (REAC) on thalamocortical neural activities and perturbed experimental conditions.
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  • Statistical analysis of electromagnetic radiation measurements in the vicinity of indoor microcell GSM/UMTS base stations in Serbia.
    セルビアの室内マイクロセルGSM / UMTS基地局周辺の電磁放射測定値の統計解析
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  • Cortical inhibition and excitation by bilateral transcranial alternating current stimulation.
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  • Analgesic efficacy of cerebral and peripheral electrical stimulation in chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized, double-blind, factorial clinical trial.
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  • Exogenously induced brain activation regulates neuronal activity by top-down modulation: conceptualized model for electrical brain stimulation.
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  • Medial-Frontal Stimulation Enhances Learning in Schizophrenia by Restoring Prediction Error Signaling.
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  • Novel exposure units for at-home personalized testing of electromagnetic sensibility.
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