

  • Convergence of a Single-Frequency FDTD Solution in Numerical Dosimetry.
    Chakarothai J, Wake K, Watanabe S
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(日本)
    IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 2016: Online
  • Comments on: Effects of Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) Exposure on Apoptosis, Sperm Parameters and Testicular Histomorphometry in Rats: A Time Course Study.
    Mortazavi SM, Mozdarani H
    Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation Protection Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Cell J 2016: 17 (4): 755
  • Reply of the Author : Comments on Effects on Wi-Fi (2,45 GHz) Exposure on Apostosis, Sperm Parameters and Testicular Histomorphometry in Rats: A Time Course Study.
    Shokri S
    Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Cell J 2016: 17 (4): 755
  • Dispositional aspects of body focus and idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF).
    Domotor Z, Doering BK, Koteles F
    Eötvös Loránd University(ハンガリー)
    Scand J Psychol 2016: Online
  • Immune responses of a wall lizard to whole-body exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.
    Mina D, Sagonas K, Fragopoulou AF, Pafilis P, Skouroliakou A, Margaritis LH, Tsitsilonis OE, Valakos ED
    Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology , University of Athens(ギリシャ)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2016: Online
  • Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Reproductive-Age Female Operators of Plastic Welding Machines in Fuzhou, China.
    Xu Y, Zhang X, Chen Y, Ren N, Lin W, Zhang Q
    Fuzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention(中国)
    J Occup Environ Med 2016: 58 (2): 148 - 153
  • Subchronic exposure to static magnetic field differently affects zinc and copper content in murine organs.
    De Luka SR, Ilic AZ, Jankovic S, Djordjevich DM, Cirkovic S, Milovanovich ID, Stefanovic S, Veskovic-Moracanin S, Ristic-Djurovic JL, Trbovich AM
    Department of Pathological Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade(セルビア)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2016: Online
  • The effects of a picosecond pulsed electric field on angiogenesis in the cervical cancer xenograft models.
    Wu L, Yao C, Xiong Z, Zhang R, Wang Z, Wu Y, Qin Q, Hua Y
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University(中国)
    Gynecol Oncol 2016: Online
  • Residential exposure to RF-EMF from mobile phone base stations: Model predictions versus personal and home measurements.
    Martens AL, Slottje P, Meima MY, Beekhuizen J, Timmermans D, Kromhout H, Smid T, Vermeulen RC
    Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Division Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht University(オランダ)
    Sci Total Environ 2016: 550: 987 – 993
  • Exposure to a 50-Hz magnetic field induced mitochondrial permeability transition through the ROS/GSK-3beta signaling pathway.
    Feng B, Qiu L, Ye C, Chen L, Fu Y, Sun W
    Bioelectromagnetics Key Laboratory, Zhejiang University School of Medicine(中国)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2016: Online
  • Effects of electromagnetic field (1.8/0.9GHz) exposure on growth plate in growing rats.
    Nisbet HO, Akar A, Nisbet C, Gulbahar MY, Ozak A, Yardimci C, Comlekci S
    Department of Surgery, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ondokuz Mayis(トルコ)
    Res Vet Sci 2016: 104: 24 - 29
  • The effects of electromagnetic field on the endocrine system in children and adolescents.
    Sangun O, Dundar B, Comlekci S, Buyukgebiz A
    Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Suleyman Demirel University(トルコ)
    Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2015: 13 (2): 531 – 545
  • The Effect of Gaze Angle on the Evaluations of SAR and Temperature Rise in Human Eye under Plane-Wave Exposure from 0.9 to 10 GHz.
    0.9 - 10GHz平面波ばく露下でのヒトの眼におけるSARおよび温度上昇の評価に対する注視角の影響
    Diao Y, Leung SW, Chan KH, Sun W, Siu YM, Kong R
    City University of Hong Kong(中国)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2016: Online
  • Children Absorb Higher Doses of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation From Mobile Phones Than Adults.
    Morris RD, Morgan LL, Davis D
    Environ. Health Trust(米国)
    IEEE Access 2015: 3: 2379 - 2387
  • Dosimetric Simulations of Brain Absorption of Mobile Phone Radiation: The Relationship Between psSAR and Age.
    Fernandez-Rodriguez CE, Almeida de Salles AA, Davis DL
    Sci. & Technol. of Rio Grande do Sul, Fed. Inst. of Educ(ブラジル)
    IEEE Access 2015: 3: 2425 – 2430
  • Ventricular myocyte injury by high-intensity electric field: Effect of pulse duration.
    Prado LN, Goulart JT, Zoccoler M, Oliveira PX
    Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas(ブラジル)
    Gen Physiol Biophys 2016: Online
  • Parallel beta-sheet vibration band increases with proteins dipole moment under exposure to 1765 MHz microwaves.
    1765 MHzマイクロ波ばく露下でパラレルβシートの振動バンドはタンパク質双極子モーメントとともに増強する
    Calabro E, Magazu S
    Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Messina(イタリア)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2016: Online
  • Impact of external medium conductivity on cell membrane electropermeabilization by microsecond and nanosecond electric pulses.
    Silve A, Leray I, Poignard C, Mir LM
    Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(ドイツ)
    Sci Rep 2016: 6: 19957
  • ARP2/3 complex is required for directional migration of neural stem cell-derived oligodendrocyte precursors in electric fields.
    Li Y, Wang PS, Lucas G, Li R, Yao L
    Department of Biological Sciences, Wichita State University(米国)
    Stem Cell Res Ther 2015: 6: 41






