

  • Some immunological responses of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerling to acute extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (50 Hz).
    急性の超低周波電磁界(50 Hz)に対するマゴイ(Cyprinus carpio)の幼魚の幾つかの免疫学的反応
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    Department of Fisheries Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University(イラン)
    Fish Physiol Biochem 2017: Online
  • Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on the development of tolerance to the analgesic effect of morphine in rats.
    Jadidi M, Khatami MS, Mohammad-Pour F, Bandavi A, Rashidy-Pour A, Vafaei AA, Taherian AA, Miladi-Gorji H
    Research Center of Physiology and Department of Medical Physics, School of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2017: Online
  • Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Melanogenesis through p-ERK and p-SAPK/JNK Pathways in Human Melanocytes.
    Kim YM, Cho SE, Kim SC, Jang HJ, Seo YK
    Department of Medical Biotechnology (BK21 Plus team), Dongguk University(韓国)
    Int J Mol Sci 2017;18(10)
  • Near Retirement Age (≥55 Years) Self-Reported Physical Symptoms and Use of Computers/Mobile Phones at Work and at Leisure.
    Korpinen L, Pääkkönen R, Gobba F
    Clinical Physiology and Neurophysiology Unit, North Karelia Central Hospital(フィンランド)
    Healthcare (Basel) 2017;5(4):E71
  • Electromagnetic fields in neonatal incubators: the reasons for an alert.
    Bellieni CV, Nardi V, Buonocore G, Di Fabio S, Pinto I, Verrotti A
    Department of Pediatrics , Obstetrics and Reproduction Medicine , University of Siena(イタリア)
    J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2017: Online
  • No evidence of DNA damage by co-exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and aluminum on neuroblastoma cell lines.
    Villarini M, Gambelunghe A, Giustarini D, Ambrosini MV, Fatigoni C, Rossi R, Dominici L, Levorato S, Muzi G, Piobbico D, Mariucci G
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  • Mobile Phone Use and The Risk of Headache: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Cross-sectional Studies.
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  • Mobile phones, cordless phones and rates of brain tumors in different age groups in the Swedish National Inpatient Register and the Swedish Cancer Register during 1998-2015.
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  • Effects of electromagnetic waves emitted from 3G+wi-fi modems on human semen analysis.
    Kamali K, Atarod M, Sarhadi S, Nikbakht J, Emami M, Maghsoudi R, Salimi H, Fallahpour B, Kamali N, Momtazan A, Ameli M
    Department of Urology, Iran University of Medical Science, Hasheminejad Kidney Center Hospital(イラン)
    Urologia 2017: Online
  • The effect of local extremely low frequency magnetic field on student sleepiness.
    Ayoobi F, Shamsizadeh A, Shafiei SA
    Physiology-Pharmacology Research Center , Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Neurol Res 2017: Online
  • Systematic review of biological effects of exposure to static electric fields. Part II: Invertebrates and plants.
    静電界ばく露の生物学的影響の系統的レビュー 第二部:無脊椎動物および植物
    Schmiedchen K, Petri AK, Driessen S, Bailey WH
    Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Interaction, RWTH Aachen University(ドイツ)
    Environ Res 2017;160:60-76
  • Electromagnetic Field Exposure Changes Due to the Digital Television Switchover in Thessaloniki, Greece.
    Gkonis F, Boursianis A, Samaras T
    Radiocommunications Laboratory, Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki(ギリシャ)
    Health Phys 2017;113(5):382-386
  • Systematic Numerical Analysis of Magnetic Field Partial Body Exposure and Comparison With Occupational Exposure Limit Values According to European Directive 2013/35/EU.
    Hirtl R, Schmid G
    Seibersdorf Laboratories, EMC & Optics(オーストリア)
    Health Phys 2017;113(5):404-410






