- Tissue models for RF exposure evaluation at frequencies above 6 GHz.
- 6 GHz超の周波数でのRFばく露評価のための組織モデル
- Ziskin MC, Alekseev SI, Foster KR, Balzano Q
- Department of Radiology, Temple University School of Medicine(米国)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2018: Online
- Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation exposure effects on amygdala morphology, place preference behavior and brain caspase-3 activity in rats.
- ラットにおける扁桃体の形態、場所嗜好行動及び脳のカスパーゼ-3活性に対する無線周波電磁放射のばく露の影響
- Narayanan SN, Mohapatra N, John P, K N, Kumar RS, Nayak SB, Bhat PG
- Department of Physiology, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus), Manipal University(インド)
- Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 2018; 58: 220-229
- Autophagy mediates the degradation of synaptic vesicles: A potential mechanism of synaptic plasticity injury induced by microwave exposure in rats.
- オートファジーはシナプス小胞の分解を仲介する:ラットにおけるマイクロ波ばく露によるシナプス可塑性損傷の潜在的機序
- Hao Y, Li W, Wang H, Zhang J, Yu C, Tan S, Wang H, Xu X, Dong J, Yao B, Zhou H, Zhao L, Peng R
- Department of Experimental Pathology, Institute of Radiation Medicine(中国)
- Physiol Behav 2018: Online
- Alteration of adaptive behaviors of progeny after maternal mobile phone exposure.
- 母親の携帯電話ばく露後の子どもの適応行動の変化
- Petitdant N, Lecomte A, Robidel F, Gamez C, Blazy K, Villégier AS
- Toxicology Unit, National Institute for Environmental Protection and Industrial Risks (INERIS)(フランス)
- Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2018: Online
- Fatal collision? Are wireless headsets a risk in treating patients?
- 致命的な衝突? ワイヤレスヘッドセットは患者の治療におけるリスクか?
- Sage C, Hardell L
- Sage Associates(米国)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2018: Online
- Evaluation of effect of high frequency electromagnetic field on growth and antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria.
- 細菌の成長及び抗生物質感受性に対する高周波電磁界の影響の評価
- Salmen SH, Alharbi SA, Faden AA, Wainwright M
- Department of Botany and Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University(サウジアラビア)
- Saudi J Biol Sci 2018; 25 (1): 105-110
- Genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields.
- 非電離電磁界の遺伝毒性及び発がん作用
- Kocaman A, Altun G, Kaplan AA, Deniz ÖG, Yurt KK, Kaplan S
- Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, Ondokuz Mayıs University(トルコ)
- Environ Res 2018;163:71-79
- Environmental Intolerance, Symptoms and Disability Among Fertile-Aged Women.
- 妊娠適齢期の女性における環境不耐症、症状及び障害
- Vuokko A, Karvala K, Lampi J, Keski-Nisula L, Pasanen M, Voutilainen R, Pekkanen J, Sainio M
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health(フィンランド)
- Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018;15(2):293
- A pilot study on the reproductive risks of maternal exposure to magnetic fields from electronic article surveillance systems.
- 電子商品監視装置からの磁界への母親のばく露の生殖リスクについてのパイロット研究
- Khan MW, Roivainen P, Herrala M, Tiikkaja M, Sallmén M, Hietanen M, Juutilainen J
- Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences , University of Eastern Finland(フィンランド)
- Int J Radiat Biol 2018: Online
- The impact of electric fields on testis physiopathology, sperm parameters and DNA integrity-The role of resveratrol.
- 精巣の生理病理学、精子パラメータ及びDNA健全性に対する電界のインパクト‐レスベラトロール[抗酸化物質の一種]の役割
- Aslankoc R, Gumral N, Saygin M, Senol N, Asci H, Cankara FN, Comlekci S
- Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Suleyman Demirel University(トルコ)
- Andrologia 2018: Online
- Influence of tissue conductivity on foetal exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields at 50 Hz using stochastic dosimetry.
- 確率論的ドシメトリを用いた50 Hzの超低周波磁界への胎児のばく露に対する組織の導電率の影響力
- Fiocchi S, Chiaramello E, Parazzini M, Ravazzani P
- CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni IEIIT(イタリア)
- PLoS One 2018;13(2):e0192131
- Workers' exposure to electric fields during the task 'maintenance of an operating device of circuit breaker from a service platform' at 110 kV substations.
- 110 kV変電所でのサービスプラットフォームからの回路遮断器の動作デバイスの保守業務中の作業者の電界ばく露
- Korpinen L, Pääkkönen R
- Clinical Physiology and Neurophysiology Unit , The North Karelia Central Hospital(フィンランド)
- Int J Occup Saf Ergon 2018: Online