- Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health.
- Wi-Fiはヒトの健康に対する重要な脅威である
- Pall ML
- Washington State University(米国)
- Environ Res 2018;164:405-416
- The effects of microwave radiation on rabbit's retina.
- ウサギの網膜に対するマイクロ波放射の影響
- Talebnejad MR, Sadeghi-Sarvestani A, Nowroozzadeh MH, Mortazavi SMJ, Alighanbari A
- Khalili MRPoostchi Ophthalmology Research Center, Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- J Curr Ophthalmol 2018;30(1):74-79
- Melatonin attenuates radiofrequency radiation (900 MHz)-induced oxidative stress, DNA damage and cell cycle arrest in germ cells of male Swiss albino mice.
- メラトニンは雄のSwiss albinoマウスの生殖細胞における無線周波放射(900 MHz)による酸化ストレス、DNA損傷及び細胞周期停止を減弱させる
- Pandey N, Giri S
- Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, Department of Life Science and Bioinformatics, Assam University(インド)
- Toxicol Ind Health 2018: Online
- Does acute radio-frequency electromagnetic field exposure affect visual event-related potentials in healthy adults?
- 無線周波電磁界への急性ばく露は健康な成人の視覚的事象関連電位に影響するか?
- Dalecki A, Loughran SP, Verrender A, Burdon CA, Taylor NAS, Croft RJ
- School of Psychology, Illawarra Health & Medical Research Institute, University of Wollongong(オーストラリア)
- Clin Neurophysiol 2018;129(5):901-908
- Estimates of Environmental Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields and Risk of Lymphoma Subtypes.
- 無線周波電磁界への環境ばく露の推定値とリンパ腫のサブタイプのリスク
- Satta G, Mascia N, Serra T, Salis A, Saba L, Sanna S, Zucca MG, Angelucci E, Gabbas A, Culurgioni F, Pili P, Mura E, Cappai M, Ennas MG, Cocco P
- University of Cagliari, Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health(イタリア)
- Radiat Res 2018: Online
- Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission.
- 1.8 GHzのGSM基地局からの環境放射を代表する携帯電話の無線周波電磁界に周産期から自然死までばく露されたSprague-Dawleyラットにおける脳及び心臓の腫瘍に関する最終結果の報告
- Falcioni L, Bua L, Tibaldi E, Lauriola M, De Angelis L, Gnudi F, Mandrioli D, Manservigi M, Manservisi F, Manzoli I, Menghetti I, Montella R, Panzacchi S, Sgargi D, Strollo V, Vornoli A, Belpoggi F
- Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute, Castello di Bentivoglio(イタリア)
- Environ Res 2018: Online
- Age-dependent effect of long-term microwave radiation on postnatal neurogenesis in rats: morphological and behavioral study.
- ラットにおける出生後の神経発生に対する長期的なマイクロ波放射の年齢依存性の影響:形態学的及び行動学的研究
- Raček A, Beňová K, Arnoul P, Závodská M, Angelidis A, Cigánková V, Šimaiová V, Račeková E
- Department of Genetics and Biology University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy(スロヴァキア)
- Physiol Res 2018: Online
- Comparison of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure levels in different everyday microenvironments in an international context.
- 異なる日常的な微小環境における無線周波電磁界ばく露レベルの国際的な文脈での比較
- Sagar S, Adem SM, Struchen B, Loughran SP, Brunjes ME, Arangua L, Dalvie MA, Croft RJ, Jerrett M, Moskowitz JM, Kuo T, Röösli M
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health(スイス)
- Environ Int 2018; 114:297-306
- Exposure to Mobile Phone-Emitted Electromagnetic Fields and Human Attention: No Evidence of a Causal Relationship.
- 携帯電話からの電磁界へのばく露とヒトの集中力:因果関係の証拠なし
- Curcio G
- Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences, University of L'Aquila(イタリア)
- Front Public Health 2018;6:42
- Assessment of genotoxicity and genomic instability in rat primary astrocytes exposed to 872 MHz radiofrequency radiation and chemicals.
- 872 MHz無線周波放射及び化学物質ににばく露されたラット初代星状細胞における遺伝毒性及びゲノム不安定性の評価
- Herrala M, Mustafa E, Naarala J, Juutilainen J
- Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences , University of Eastern Finland(フィンランド)
- Int J Radiat Biol 2018: Online
- Effects of Fifty-Hertz Electromagnetic Fields on Granulocytic Differentiation of ATRA-Treated Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia NB4 Cells.
- ATRA[全トランス型レチノイン酸]で処理した急性前骨髄急性白血病NB4細胞の顆粒球分化に対する50 Hz電磁界の影響
- Errico Provenzano A, Amatori S, Nasoni MG, Persico G, Russo S, Mastrogiacomo AR, Gambarara A, Fanelli M
- University of Urbino, Molecular Pathology Lab. "PaoLa", Department of Biomolecular Sciences(イタリア)
- Cell Physiol Biochem 2018;46(1):389-400
- Evaluating Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields in the Rear Seats of the Electric Vehicles.
- 電気自動車の後部座席での超低周波磁界の評価
- Lin J, Lu M, Wu T, Yang L, Wu T
- China Academy of Information and Telecommunications Technology(中国)
- Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2018: Online
- Occupational extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) exposure and hematolymphopoietic cancers - Swiss National Cohort analysis and updated meta-analysis.
- 超低周波(ELF)電磁界への職業ばく露とリンパ造血がん‐スイス全国コホート分析及びメタ分析の更新
- Huss A, Spoerri A, Egger M, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Swiss National Cohort
- Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University(オランダ)
- Environ Res 2018;164:467-474
- Residential mobility and childhood leukemia.
- 居住地の移動性と小児白血病
- Amoon AT, Oksuzyan S, Crespi CM, Arah OA, Cockburn M, Vergara X, Kheifets L
- Department of Epidemiology, University of California Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health(米国)
- Environ Res 2018;164:459-466
- Brain tumours: rise in Glioblastoma Multiforme incidence in England 1995–2015 suggests an adverse environmental or lifestyle factor.
- 脳腫瘍:イングランドにおける1995-2015年の多形神経膠芽腫の発生率の増加は環境または生活様式による負の因子を示唆している
- Philips A, Henshaw DL, Lamburn G, O'Carroll MJ
- Children with Cancer UK Charity(英国)
- J Environ Public Health 2018: Online
- Results of lifespan exposure to continuous and intermittent extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELFEMF) administered alone to Sprague Dawley rats.
- Sprague Dawleyラットに単独投与した連続的及び間欠的な超低周波(ELF)電磁界への生涯ばく露の結果
- Bua L, Tibaldi E, Falcioni L, Lauriola M, De Angelis L, Gnudi F, Manservigi M, Manservisi F, Manzoli I, Menghetti I, Montella R, Panzacchi S, Sgargi D, Strollo V, Vornoli A, Mandrioli D, Belpoggi F
- Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute(イタリア)
- Environ Res 2018;164:271-279