- Impact of electromagnetic fields on in vitro toxicity of silver and graphene nanoparticles.
- 銀及びグラフェンナノ粒子のイン・ビトロ毒性に対する電磁界のインパクト
- Saliev T, Baiskhanova DM, Akhmetova A, Begimbetova DA, Akishev M, Kulsharova G, Molkenov A, Nurgozhin T, Alekseyeva T, Mikhalovsky S
- Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Medicine named after B. Atchabarov , S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University(カザフスタン)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2018: Online
- Exposure to and use of mobile devices in children aged 1-60 months.
- 生後1-60か月の幼児のモバイルデバイスへのばく露と使用
- Kılıç AO, Sari E, Yucel H, Oğuz MM, Polat E, Acoglu EA, Senel S
- Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Sami Ulus Maternity and Children's Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital(トルコ)
- Eur J Pediatr 2018: Online
- Temperature Rise for Brief Radio-Frequency Exposure Below 6 GHz.
- 6 GHz未満の短い無線周波ばく露に対する温度上昇
- Kodera S, Hirata A, Funahashi D, Watanabe S, Jokela K, Croft RJ
- Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology(日本)
- IEEE Access 2018: Online
- Study of the correlation between outdoor and indoor electromagnetic exposure near cellular base stations in Leuven, Belgium.
- ベルギーのルーヴェンにおける携帯電話基地局の近傍での屋外と屋内での電磁界ばく露の相関についての研究
- Iyare RN, Volskiy V, Vandenbosch GAE
- Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven, Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), TELEMIC, Telecommunications and Microwaves(ベルギー)
- Environ Res 2018; 168: 428-438
- The associations of long-time mobile phone use with sleep disturbances and mental distress in technical college students: a prospective cohort study.
- 高等専門学校の学生における長時間の携帯電話使用と睡眠障害及び精神的苦悩との関連:前向きコホート研究
- Liu S, Wing YK, Hao Y, Li W, Zhang J, Zhang B
- Department of Psychiatry, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University(中国)
- Sleep 2018: Online
- Effects of exposure to electromagnetic field from mobile phone on serum hepcidin and iron status in male albino rats.
- 雄のアルビノラットにおける血清ヘピシジン及び鉄の状態に対する携帯電話からの電磁界ばく露の影響
- El-Maleky NF, Ebrahim RH
- Faculty of Medicine, Physiology Department , Zagazig University(エジプト)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2018: Online
- Theoretical and numerical assessment of maximally allowable power-density averaging area for conservative electromagnetic exposure assessment above 6 GHz.
- 6 GHz超の電磁界ばく露の保守的な評価のための最大限許容可能な電力密度の平均化面積の技術的及び数値的評価
- Neufeld E, Carrasco E, Murbach M, Balzano Q, Christ A, Kuster N
- Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT'IS)(スイス)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2018: Online
- Analyses of temporal and spatial patterns of glioblastoma multiforme and other brain cancer subtypes in relation to mobile phones using synthetic counterfactuals.
- 多形神経膠芽腫の時間的及び空間的分析のパターン
- de Vocht F
- Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol(英国)
- Environ Res 2018; 168: 329-335
- Cytochrome P450 genes play central roles in transcriptional response by keratinocytes to a high-voltage alternating current electric field.
- チトクロームP450遺伝子は高圧交流電界に対するケラチノサイトによる転写応答において中心的な役割を果たしている
- Aoki M, Matsumoto NM, Okubo Y, Ogawa R
- Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery, Nippon Medical School(日本)
- Bioelectrochemistry 2018: Online
- Biological effects of static magnetic fields and zinc isotopes on E. coli bacteria.
- 大腸菌に対する静磁界及び亜鉛同位体の生物学的影響
- Letuta UG, Berdinskiy VL
- Orenburg University(ロシア)
- Bioelectromagnetics 2019; 40 (1): 62-73
- Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Expression of T-bet and GATA-3 Genes and Serum Interferon-γ and Interleukin-4.
- T-bet及びGATA-3遺伝子ならびに血清インターフェロン-γ及びインターロイキン-4の発現に対する超低周波電磁界の影響
- Sobhanifard M, Eftekharian MM, Solgi G, Nikzad S, Salehi I, Ghazikhanlou Sani K, Ganji M, Zamani A
- Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- J Interferon Cytokine Res 2018: Online
- The effect of chronic exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on sleep quality, stress, depression and anxiety.
- 睡眠の質、ストレス、抑うつ及び不安に対する超低周波電磁界への慢性ばく露の影響
- Bagheri Hosseinabadi M, Khanjani N, Ebrahimi MH, Haji B, Abdolahfard M
- School of Public Health , Shahroud University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
- Electromagn Biol Med 2018: Online